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Cataract surgery resulted in 30 percent fewer hip fractures – July 2012

Improved Vision After Cataract Surgery Lowers Risk of Broken Hips, Study Finds New York Times - July 2012

  • 28% reduction for those aged 80-84

Possible reasons (by VitaminDWiki)

  1. See better ==> avoid situations which cause falls
  2. See better ==> get outdoors more ==> get more vitamin D
    More vitamin D ==> faster muscle reaction time ==> fewer falls
    More vitamin D==> stronger bones ==> fewer hip fractures if fall

From JAMA article – which had full text

PDF is attached at the bottom of this page

Note: this study nicely used Propensity Score Analysis on Medicare database

Attached files

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1505 Cataract surgery reduce hip fractures.pdf admin 02 Aug, 2012 208.09 Kb 482