100 facts about Vitamin D (deficiency, health problems, D helps) - July 2022


Assembled by Dungal Höskuldur for Icelandic readership
10JUL22. Version 1.06 DOCX format  Icelandic original  Google Translation

Vitamin D is the only vitamin that is not a vitamin .
It is a hormone – or so-called pre-hormone.
It is probably the oldest hormone known or more than 500 million years old.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hiGBVDcbFVk (7:48 min)
2Approximately 40-75% of the world's population is vitamin D deficient.
It is also believed that 70% of the world's population, on average, has Vitamin D deficiency .
https://www.grassrootshealth.net/project/our-scientists/ (40-75%)
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pxb4_HZo_nU (70%)
(seen on video after 5 min and 30 sec.)
370-80% of Americans are vitamin D deficient .
https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3447083/ (77%)
https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3972416/ (69.5%)
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pxb4_HZo_nU(seen on video after 5 min and 30 sec.)
4Vitamin D can be produced by the body with the help of the sun.
Then only ultraviolet rays with a wavelength of 290-315 nm (nanometers) are sufficient to produce it.
https://www.nature.com/articles/s41598-017-11362-2 (page 1)
580+% of all US hospital patients have it   Vitamin D deficiency .
https://www.bitchute.com/video/siDonw0W4YZc/(seen on video after 5 min and 30 sec.)
696% of those in intensive care in the United States have it   Vitamin D deficiency .
https://www.bitchute.com/video/siDonw0W4YZc/ (seen on video after 6 min and 15 sec.)
7The average age of those who die from Covid-19 in the United States is 78.6 years. The average age of Americans has been 78.6 years. (Did you notice this?) Google Search
https://www.bitchute.com/video/siDonw0W4YZc/ ( can be seen in 3 minutes and 6 seconds)
882-88% of nursing home residents in the United States are vitamin D deficient .
https://www.bitchute.com/video/siDonw0W4YZc/(seen on video after 5 min and 30 sec.)
983% of Americans of African descent have Vitamin D deficient .
https://www.bitchute.com/video/siDonw0W4YZc/(seen on video after 5 min and 30 sec.)
10There is no such thing as a "fall flu" or a "cold", just a lack of vitamin D.
https://www.bitchute.com/video/siDonw0W4YZc/(seen on video after 4 min and 45 sec.)
11At least 2000 genes in our body are controlled by vitamin D.
https://www.bitchute.com/video/siDonw0W4YZc/(seen on video after 5 min)
12A normal level of vitamin D reduces the chance of blood clots (Covid is a blood clot).
13The best "mask" is a "healthy immune system ".
https://www.bitchute.com/video/siDonw0W4YZc/(heard on video after 6 min 26 sec.)
14If you go naked in the midday sun, for 20 minutes - only in a swimsuit, the body produces 10,000 - 20,000 IU of vitamin D.
15Today it is known that the daily intake of adults already has 10000 IU of
Vitamin D has absolutely no risk of poisoning even if it is taken for years.
A scientific study from 2017 has shown that a daily intake of 15,000 IU of vitamin D is completely safe .

In addition. up to 300 nmol/L of vitamin D in the blood is also safe .
Investigators: SM Kimball, N. Mirhosseini, and MF Holick.
16Sufficient vitamin D increases life expectancy by 2 years .
17Sufficient vitamin D reduces mortality by 20% .
18Chances of breast cancer decrease by 80% when we have enough Vitamin D.
19There is a 60% lower chance of type 2 diabetes when the level of vitamin D reaches at least 102.4 nmol/L .
20When the vitamin D level in the blood of Covid patients reaches 125 nmol/L, the so-called "Cytokine storm"
or the disease state that is the main cause of death caused by Covid-19 does not occur .
https://www.bitchute.com/video/siDonw0W4YZc/(seen on video after 5 min)
21A pregnant woman needs to take 6400 IU per day to ensure that she gets enough vitamin D
for herself and her baby from day 1 of breastfeeding .
NOT 600 IU as recommended by Iceland's National Health Service!
22There is a 62% lower chance of lung infection in infants when there are 100-150 nmó/L of vitamin D in the blood .
23There is less chance of diabetes type 1 in adulthood if children get enoughVitamin D.
24Significantly reduces postpartum depression when 100-150 nmol/L of vitamin D are in the blood .
2570% lower frequency of colds in infants if vitamin D levels are 100-150 nmol in the blood.
26When there is enough vitamin D in the blood, the incidence of ear infections in infants is 66% lower .
27In 1903, Niels Ryberg Finsen received the Nobel Prize for discovering that light
could cure / correct the disease "lupus vulgaris"
He was a Faroese doctor of Icelandic and Danish descent.
He received the Nobel Prize for the discovery of light therapy, which can be seen as a precursor to the discovery of vitamin D.
28Based on an Icelandic study published in Læknablaðin,
01. issue 2004 all (100%) Icelanders have too little vitamin D.
https://www.laeknabladid.is/2004/1/fraedegreinar/nr/1515/It should be noted that this is based on information from 2004
and considering that the recent minimum is 75 nmol/L, although today it would be more normal to aim for 100 nmol/L.
In the study, the mean concentration of vitamin D was 46.5 nmol/L, and deficiency was defined as <25 nmol/L. In other words, all Icelanders = 100% - have too little vitamin D!
29When infants are given sufficient vitamin D, approx. They were 90% less likely to develop type 1 diabetes by age 31 compared to those who were not given vitamin D.
30A double-blind study showed that women who took adequate vitamin D during pregnancy were 61% less likely to have a preterm birth than those who did not take vitamin D.
31Too little vitamin D can cause obesity in children and adolescents .
32Women who have at least 80 nmol/L of vitamin D in their blood reduce the chances of
gestational diabetes, premature birth, preeclampsia, and high blood pressure, gingivitis, infection and other problems related to pregnancy .
33D1 is the name of the vitamin D variant ergocalciferol with lumisterol
34D2 is the name of the vitamin D variant ergocalciferol (produced from ergosterol).
35D3 is the name of the vitamin D variant cholicaciferol produced from 7 - dehydrocholesterol (in the skin)
36D4 is the name of the vitamin D variant 22-dihydroergocalciferol
37D5 is the name of the vitamin D variant sitocalciferol , produced from 7 - dehydrositosterol).
38For a woman to have enough vitamin D for her baby, she needs to have 150 nmol/L in her blood
so that the baby gets enough vitamin D from the mother's milk.
39Of the 30 leading causes of death in the United States in 2010, 19 of them can be attributed to insufficient vitamin D , including various heart diseases, cancer, diabetes, Alzheimer's, and fractures in the elderly.
40If Americans were careful to maintain at least 100 nmol/l in their blood, the death rate would decrease by approx. 336,000 people annually , (ie decrease from 2.1 million to 1.76 million)
41If Americans get rid of vitamin D deficiency, their spending will decrease by approx. 130 thousand million dollars annually
To put this size into perspective, it is equal to approx. 371 dollars per person in the USA or which corresponds to over 47000 ISK/person in Iceland or a total of 47000 x 350000 = over 16 billion Icelandic ISK annually that the Icelandic health system could save!!!
(doesn't that sound a bit high?)
Wouldn't that be a considerable saving in the Icelandic health system?
42In the Icelandic Medical Journal in May 2020, it was stated that at least 87% of Icelandic children have too little vitamin D.
In fact, all, i.e. 100% of Icelandic children have too little vitamin D, if compared to recent or modern levels of vitamin D. In the study, the minimum value was compared to the old obsolete ones.
43Sufficient vitamin D usually has the effect of lowering blood pressure .
44It is estimated that 35% of all costs to the healthcare system in the United States can be attributed to vitamin D deficiency .
45Vitamin D reduced the odds of Covid-19 patients needing to go to the intensive care unit by 97% .
46When it is said that vitamin D is 40 ng/mL in blood, it is equal to 100 nmol/L. ng/ml unit is used in USA but nmol/L mostly in Europe and many other countries, ng/ml times 2.5 = nmol/L
47Severe vitamin D deficiency is when vitamin D is between 12 - 30 nmol/L .
48Vitamin D deficiency is when vitamin D is measured between 20 nmol/L and up to 50 nmol/L .
49"Insufficient" vitamin D is when it measures 50-75 nmol/L .
50For many years, it has been considered that sufficient vitamin D is when it is measured in the range of 75-125 nmol/L .
51Today (April 2021), it is considered sufficient vitamin D when it is measured at a minimum of 100 nmol/L and up to 150 nmol/L
52People who take vitamin D before going to intensive care are less likely to die than those who do not take vitamin D. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Vitamin_D_deficiency
53All the Covid-19 patients who received vitamin D were 51.5% less likely to die and significantly less likely to experience the effects of Covid-19

5496% of severe and equivocal Covid-19 cases have already occurred
Vitamin D in the blood has been less than 75 nmol/L .
5597.5% of Covid-19 patients who have had more than 75 nmol/L of
Vitamin D in the blood get only mild symptoms .
5649.7% of Covid-19 patients had sufficient vitamin D and only 4% of them died .
57Vitamin D deficiency can cause gingivitis, which can lead to tooth loss .
58Just over a quarter of Covid-19 patients (27%) had insufficient vitamin D and most of them (88%) died .
59Those Covid-19 patients who had insufficient vitamin D were 12.55 times more likely to die .
60Those Covid-19 patients who had vitamin D deficiency were 19.12 times more likely to die .
61Psoriasis patients who take 10,000 IU of vitamin D per day and/or keep vitamin D in their blood at least 150 nmol/L, by far most get a very great improvement , and in some the psoriasis disappears and in others the disease decreases to varying degrees.
A study shows, for example, that a daily intake of 35,000 IU of vitamin D has an enormous effect. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3897595/ Vitamin D is now seen as an important part of the treatment of Psoriasis patients, (i.e. those doctors who monitor)
62Vitamin D has an effect on schizophrenia. People with schizophrenia are usually low in vitamin D.
63Vitamin D deficiency causes rickets .
64It is estimated that 490 million Indians are vitamin D deficient, 40-99%. Most studies show 80-90% .
65A recent study published in the "Journal of Clinical Endocrinology & Metabolism" showed that of
216 Covid-19 patients, 82.2% of them had too little vitamin D.
66People with vitamin D deficiency are more likely to have higher blood pressure and heart disease. Also, the hospital stay of Covid-19 patients was longer .
67Those with low vitamin D are more likely to have high blood pressure, diabetes and obesity ,
said Dr. Hans Konrad Biesalski, professor at the University of Hohenheim who compiled information about vitamin D and Covid-19.
68The undersigned went with Professor Bruce W. Hollis from the Medical University of South Carolina, USA on 10OCT18 to a meeting with the National Medical Board in Iceland, which was invited by the National Medical Board .
(has many e-mails to confirm this meeting and various e-mails to and from them.)
The meeting lasted over an hour.
There , the professor pointed out an error of more than 1000% on the website of the National Health Service regarding vitamin D. He instructed them to fix this.
It still hasn't been done today, almost 3 years later (23APR21).
The Department of Health is conducting a double-blind study that the professor was in charge of and pointed out .
on 22APR21 can be seen when looking up on the Internet:
https://www.landlaeknir.is/um-embaettid/frettir/frett/item21468/Nyir-radlagdir-dagskammtar-(RDS)-fyrir-vitamin-og-steinefniIceland has adopted the Nordic recommended daily intake (RDS) for vitamins and minerals with the only exception that values for vitamin D are..."
There is incorrect information on the website of the National Health Service that does not seem to be corrected .
Among the things that Professor Bruce W. Hollis has researched specifically, is the vitamin D requirement of pregnant women, where it is stated, among other things, that the guidelines of the IOM ( Institute of Medicine ) and the National Medical Board are wrong - and need to be corrected as soon as possible!
If you follow the advice of the National Health Service , 76% of the mothers will be included
Vitamin D deficiency and 81% of the children are born .
This needs to be corrected and immediately
This was first pointed out to the National Health Service on 24MAÍ18 .
Repeated 31JUL18 10 OCT 19 and 10 OCT 20 ,
but has not yet been corrected on its website .
(5 questions were asked, but not answered.)
%However, they offered to meet with me / us after they were informed that this would be published in the media.

From the website of the National Health Service:
****************************************************** ******************
Table 1. Recommended daily allowances (RDS) for vitamin D
*From 1-2 weeks of age, it is recommended to give to infants
Vitamin D drops (10 μg/day).

In a section called "Diet during pregnancy" it says:
Recommended Daily Allowance (RDS) for pregnant and lactating women is 15 micrograms (µg) (600 international units) per day and is therefore recommended to eat as well
Vitamin D-rich products, eg fatty fish and vitamin D-fortified milk.

Pregnant women are advised not to take higher doses than RDS except in consultation with a doctor. So if fish oil is taken as a food supplement, there is no need to take it at the same time
Vitamin D in tablet form.
****************************************************** ******************
Incorrect information or lack of knowledge must be corrected.

It is safe to say that Professor Hollis is one of the four leaders in this field in the world today.

example , it has been found that pregnant women do NOT need 600 IU as recommended by the above-mentioned authorities, but at least 6400 IU .

For example, the recommended daily dose of vitamin D for 71 years and older is 800%%%IU

Ask yourself now:

Why does Antony Fauci, the US Epidemiologist take 6000 IU of vitamin D daily or approx. 750% more than the National Health Service's recommended daily dose?
(he takes as much as a pregnant woman needs).

Should he not be in danger according to National doctor?
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZqZLMoLvhgkProfessor Michael F. Holick, who has studied vitamin D for more than 40 years , also takes 6000 IU daily and has done for years.

He's not dead yet because of this vitamin D.

Isn't the professor a little strange not to follow the recommendations of the National Health Service in Iceland?

Isn't it normal and self-evident that the National Medical Examiner himself, Alma Dagbjört Möller, sent him a warning letter about a far too high dose of
Vitamin D?

Isn't it also obvious that Alma sent the US epidemiologist a warning letter about his excessive intake of vitamin D - because of course Alma knows much more about vitamin D than this American epidemiologist and this world-famous Professor Michel F. Holick - because he has only studied D -vitamins for “only” 40 years+”?

Can't we trust that Alma will send them a warning letter, especially now that she has been alerted to this dangerous intake of these scientists?

Will she not be able to save their lives when she sends them the warning letters?

It is worth noting that Icelandic doctor Guðmundur Karl Snæbjörnsson has publicly stated on Facebook that he takes 6000-8000 IU of vitamin D daily .

I don't think Alma will strip him of his medical license if she sees that he takes approx. 1000% more than Alma says is the recommended daily allowance? (she can see this on Facebook)

It is planned that the above facts will be published regularly on Facebook, but a copy of this will be sent by e-mail to the National Medical Board so that Alma can now save these American scientists from excessive vitamin D consumption and send them a clipping from the National Medical Board's website so that they do not to hell

In particular, it should be noted that the National Health Service still advises Icelanders to:
1)Wash and/or sanitize your hands2)Keep a distance of at least 2 meters from other people.3)Wear face masks.

Has the Director of Health or his staff advised Icelanders to take vitamin D, when it is known that 100% of Icelandic children have too little vitamin D and a study from 2004 shows that all Icelanders also have too little vitamin D?

(Wasn't the Swedish Transport Agency or the Traffic Council advertising: "buckle your seat belts"? Has the Swedish National Health Service advertised something similar?)

Doctor Guðmundur Karl Snæbjörnsson has pointed out the importance of vitamin D due to Covid-19 to the National Health Service - BUT - yes BUT what?

The examples show that even though one of the most respected professors in the US went to a meeting of the National Health Service and pointed out the importance of vitamin D and false information on the National Health Service website, it has no effect!

The question is what causes?

Does anyone know?

In the end, it should be pointed out that Professor Michael F. Holick said in one of his talks that was published and is on YouTube that he had published a number of articles in the most prestigious Medical Journals in the world - - - - BUT almost no response.
However, when an article about his research was published in a gossip magazine in Hollywood, he had received more than 20,000 written inquiries and phone calls with 5 sec. interval.
( https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hiGBVDcbFVk
See from 53 min + 40 sec. and until 55 min. + 23 sec.)
He pointed out in his lecture that there was no point in bringing this knowledge to medical journals or doctors, it would be much better to educate the public!
The general public passes on this knowledge, but NOT THE LAND MEDICAL DOCTORS AT ALL - maybe because those at the Landlækk know everything better?
69If the criterion for too little vitamin D in the UK is that they have to have more than 80 nmol/L then 90% of Brits have too little
Vitamin D.
70Only 4% of Covid-19 patients died who had more than 75 nmol/L of vitamin D in their blood .
7188% of Covid-19 patients died who had 50 – 75 nmol/L.of vitamin D in the blood .
7299% of Covid-19 patients died who had less than 50 nmol/L. of vitamin D in the blood.
https://chrismasterjohnphd.com/covid-19/finally-confirmed-vitamin-d-nearly abolishes-icu-risk-in-covid-19
73Vitamin D deficiency significantly increases the risk of thyroid cancer .
https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/22762696/https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pxb4_HZo_nU(can be seen after 8 minutes and 39 seconds)
74Vitamin D deficiency is associated with depression .
75Breast cancer patients double their life expectancy if they have enough vitamin D.
76Up to 49% less chance of kidney cancer if you take care to have enough vitamin D.
77Adequate vitamin D reduces the risk of heart attack by up to 30% (men).
78There is a 54% lower chance of getting Multiple Sclerosis (MS) if you take care to have enough vitamin D.
79Up to 66% less chance of diabetes 1 if you take care to have enough vitamin D.
80Sufficient vitamin D reduces approx. >65% from all types of cancer when enough calcium is present .
In VitaminDWiki Cancer risk reduced 65 percent by vitamin D levels greater than 40 nanograms – April 2016
81Sufficient vitamin D reduces approx. 60% chance of getting colon cancer .
82Primitive peoples in Africa, who enjoy the daily sun and do not wear sunscreen, have an average of 115 nmol/L vitamin D in their blood.
83Safety guards at bathing beaches recommend approx. 112.5 nmol/L of vitamin D.
84The highest vitamin D level that has been measured in the blood - WITHOUT taking in vitamin D - is 225 nmol/L , i.e. the body itself has produced it with the help of the sun. It was measured in a farmer in Puerto Rico.
It is therefore safe to aim for this level as the upper limit in blood, because this is "the natural limit." However, studies show that it is okay to go to 300 nmol/L .
85If a doctor tells you: "It is enough to eat a varied diet",
then do not walk out of his doctor's office, but run!
He obviously knows nothing about vitamin D!
It is not possible to get enough vitamin D by eating a varied diet, unfortunately.
If a doctor claims that, ask him for a menu with plenty of vitamin D.
It will be interesting to see that menu)
86Do you know how much Icelandic doctors study nutrition from them approx. 6 years that the basic program takes (before the specialist program starts) eg how many months, weeks or hours?
The answer is 0 hours!

(I thought this was incredible - and I still think so! You can look at the curriculum at the University of Iceland and further ask the Professor of Nutrition at the University of Iceland about this and get this confirmed. At least I did and had a hard time believing this)
87Did you know that adequate vitamin D can reduce or prevent menstrual cramps?
https://www.talltreehealth.ca/blog/2017/3/29/vitamin-d-and-menstrual-crampshttps://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/26724745/ https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC6265788/
88This is incredibly simple:
Less sun = less vitamin D = More diseases
5 minute video in VitaminDWiki in 8 languages
89Sufficient vitamin D reduces the risk of Alzheimer's disease.
90Sufficient vitamin D reduces the likelihood of needing a caesarean section .
91Vitamin D reduces arthritis.
92Sufficient vitamin D reduces the risk of infection with Covid-19 . https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC7513835/
93Did you know that an Icelandic specialist suffered from vitamin D deficiency?
94Sufficient vitamin D significantly reduces asthma .
95Vitamin D deficiency affects prostate cancer . https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC5952478/
96Vitamin D deficiency promotes infertility .
97What are the chances of dying from vitamin D poisoning (too much of
vitamin D)?
The odds are 0.0000000002 to 100,000 or 0.0000000000002%
98A mother's vitamin D deficiency during pregnancy can increase the risk of language difficulties in her children.
It has been found that when vitamin D in the blood ≤46 nmol/L during pregnancy, there was almost twice the chance of the children having language difficulties compared to having more than 70 nmol/L .
99Vitamin D deficiency increases the likelihood of sleep disorders .
1001. The greater the lack of vitamin D, the more serious the illnessCovid-19 . 2. Sufficient minimum vitamin D (30ng/ml. = 75 nmol/L= old standard), almost completely prevents serious illness and death v. Covid-19 .
3. Those who had well above the minimum, (60 ng/ml. = 150 nmol/L.)
of vitamin D, or more, there NO ONE died despite being around or
over eighty .


Carole Baggerly, stofnandi og framkvæmdastjóriGrassroothealth.USAXXXX - E-Mail:carole@grassrootshealth.org
Professor Robert Proulx Heaney

Creighton University


1927 – 2016

Prófessor Michael W. Holick í Boston Háskóla


1946 –

E-mail: mfholick@bu.edu

Dr. John Jacob Cannell, stofnandi Vitamin D Council.USA. 1948 – E-Mail: info@vitamindcouncil.org

Prófessor Cedric Garland, Háskólanum í San Diego, Kaliforníu,USAXXXX - Email:cgarland@ucsd.eduPrófessor Bruce Hollis, Læknaháskólanum í Suður KarólínuUSAXXXX - E-Mail: hollisb@musc.edu

The above researchers are without a doubt among those who have emerged with the most knowledge about vitamin D after a tremendous amount of selfless work and thought. I'm really surprised that they haven't won the Nobel Prize in Medicine yet.


You need to take 6201 IU of vitamin D3 daily to be fairly certain to reach a concentration of 75 nmol/L in the blood and 9122 IU to be fairly certain to reach 100 nmol/L .

Here it is based on adults and calculated by 2 mathematics professors in Canada, Paul J. Veugelers and John Paul Ekwaru.

The rule of thumb is this: Approx. 90 IU daily for each kg, i.e. an 80 kg person needs 80 x 90 = 7200 IU daily

(IU = International Units = AE = International Units ) .

Since there is no risk of vitamin D poisoning (up to 15000 IU/day), this number can also be simplified and aimed at 100 instead of 90. That is 80 kg. you therefore need 80 x 100 = 8000 IU daily. 40 kg. a child therefore needs 40 x 100 = 4000 IU daily. Fat people can need up to 3 x more!
It is also completely safe for adults to take 10000 IU daily.
The main thing is just to have the vitamin D measured after, for example, 6 months after the daily intake of the same amount .
(you decide where you start, for example you can start with 6000 IU for 6 months and then have it measured.
You can just as well start with any number between 6000 and 10000, just always take the same amount daily and measure after 6 months)
There is no sure way to tell how much each person should take.
The only safe way is to have the level measured in the blood after taking the same daily dose, for example, for 6 months.
After that, it is possible to estimate whether it is necessary to increase or decrease the daily dose that has been taken.
Today's leaders in the field of vitamin D recommend that everyone stays between 100 – 150 nmol/L. Today, 100 nmol/L = minimum .
In particular, women are advised to be as close as possible to 150 nmol/L to significantly reduce the risk of breast cancer .
(Höskuld H. Dungal, id. 260349-2959, compiled. Spelling errors and/or factual errors may always be hidden and all corrections are welcome. Please let us know by e-mail to hdungal@gmail.com or by phone 626 2603. Those who want, can get this document sent by e-mail free of charge, you just need to provide an e-mail address). Also point to https://heilsuhringurinn.is/ and https://vitamindwiki.com/ , but there are many articles about vitamin D.

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