COVID and or vaccinations causing less Vitamin D and more sickness - Jan 2024

Getting Sick More Often Because of "Immunity Theft or Debt"

Concepts Proposed to Explain Kids and Adults Getting Sick More Often - McCullogh substack

refers to
From “Immunity Debt” to “Immunity Theft”—How COVID-19 Might Be Tied to Recent Respiratory Disease Surges
JAMA. Published online January 10, 2024. doi:10.1001/jama.2023.26608 FREE PDF

VitaminDWiki - COVID, Vitamin D, Drs. Grimes and Campbell - Jan 2024 contains:

Hypothesis: The body consumes Vitamin D each time the immune system is activated
The "GREEN" person started with a high level of Vitammin D
This assumes no vitamin D supplementation by supplements, sun, etc.

VitaminDWiki - COVID infections and vaccinations decrease Vitamin D – many studies contains:


Vaccination and/or Infection

Hypothesis: The body consumes Vitamin D each time the immune system is activated
The "GREEN" person started with a high level of Vitamin D
This assumes no vitamin D supplementation by supplements, sun, etc.

VitaminDWiki - Does Less Sun mean More Disease 5 minute video

VitaminDWiki - Hypothesis: Multiple COVID vaccinations reduce Vitamin D, resulting in Excess Deaths, etc. - Oct 2023

Some Vaccine Types Linked to Increased Risk of Other Infections in girls - Jan 2024

The Defender
"*Researchers found that vaccines that do not contain a live or weakened pathogen, while effective against the targeted infection, may also raise the risk of non-targeted infections, particularly in girls."

  • "Live vaccines reported to have more positive effects"
  • "Non-live vaccines may enhance risk of other diseases, especially in girls"
  • "The DPT vaccine has been a prime investigation target for NSEs since the 1980s when its connection to increased all-cause mortality was established."

References: Vax-Unvax: Let the Science Speak (Children’s Health Defense) Hardcover – August 29, 2023
by Robert F. Kennedy Jr. (Author), Brian Hooker PhD (Author),
Do vaccines increase or decrease susceptibility to diseases other than those they protect against?
Vaccine Dec 2023
 Download the preprint PDF from VitaminDWiki

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