Candida infections in PICU reduced by Vitamin D in yogurt – RCT Feb 2019

Vitamin D-supplemented yogurt drink reduces Candida infections in a paediatric intensive care unit: a randomised, placebo-controlled clinical trial.

J Hum Nutr Diet. 2019 Feb 18. doi: 10.1111/jhn.12634.
Xie J1, Zhu L1, Zhu T1, Jian Y1, Ding Y1, Zhou M1, Feng X1.
Nursing Department, Wuxi Children's Hospital, Wuxi, China.


Sees unlikely that just 300 IU for only 2 weeks would help the intestine.
Length of stay was 12 days in Vitamin D group and 15 days in placebo group

Wonder if the Vitamin D altered the makeup of the yogurt bacteria

Search VitaminDWiki for CANDIDA 132 items as of Feb 2019

"Candida is the most common cause of fungal infections in humans"

The prevalence of Candida infections in paediatric intensive care units (PICUs) has dramatically increased as a result of resistance to conventional anti-fungal treatments. Because vitamin D has been shown to exhibit fungicidal activity against Candida infection in an in vitro antimicrobial screening, we aimed to investigate the effect of vitamin D on Candida infections in the PICU.

Four hundred sixteen eligible children aged between 12 months to 5 years old admitted to the PICU, who were on broad-spectrum antibiotic therapy, participated in the study. Patients were randomly assigned to two study groups, receiving

  • a plain yogurt drink (placebo group) or
  • supplemented with 300 IU day-1 vitamin D (VD group).

Primary outcome was defined as the incidences of Candida colonisation (Candida isolated from rectal swab) 14 days after enrollment. Secondary outcome measures were Candida growth in blood (candidaemia) and urine (candiduria).

The prevalence of candiduria as well as candidaemia was significantly lower in the VD-treated group (26 cases) than in the placebo group (62 cases). The mean (SD) length of PICU stay was obviously lowered in the VD group 11.8 (1.2) days compared to the placebo group 15.2 (2.3 days), whereas cases of patient death were similar between the two groups.

Supplementation of vitamin D effectively reduces infections of Candida in children who were critically ill and on broad-spectrum antibiotic treatment.

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