Half as much chronic kidney disease infection if supplement with Vitamin D – 2018

Use of vitamin D and infection in patients with chronic kidney disease.

Rev Bras Enferm. 2018;71(suppl 6):2792-2799. doi: 10.1590/0034-7167-2018-0640.
[Article in English, Portuguese]
Silva ECD1, Taminato M1, Fonseca CDD1, Moraes GM1, Longo MCB1, Grothe CE1, Belasco AGS1, Barbosa DA1. ~ha~ dulce.barbosa@unifesp.br


Study amazingly does not state the size of loading nor maintenance doses
Unsure the time period for infection statistics – 0-6 months, 3-6 months? 5-6 months?
Did all chronic kidney patients get maintenance dose?

Kidney category starts with

Overview Kidney and vitamin D contains the following summary

 Download the PDF from VitaminDWiki

Supplement Infection
Vitamin D16 %
No D 32 %


Blood levelLoading DoseMaint. Dose
<20 ng/mL 3 months 3 months?
20–19 ng/mL 3 month; 3 months?
>30 ng/mL no maintenance dose
3 month or 6 month?

To evaluate the effectiveness of vitamin D supplementation as protection factor against infection of patients with chronic kidney disease on conservative treatment.

Retrospective cohort study carried out between 2013 and 2016 in the Conservative Treatment Outpatient Clinics (Ambulatório de Tratamento Conservador) of the Hypertension and Kidney Hospital (Hospital do Rim e Hipertensão) of the Universidade Federal de São Paulo. Data on sociodemographic factors, comorbidity, infection episodes and use or nonuse of vitamin D supplementation for at least 6 months were collected from medical records. The primary outcomes considered in both groups were: presence or absence of infection anywhere on the body (bloodstream, urinary, respiratory and surgical sites).

A total of 263 patients were included and those who received (n=43) vitamin D had 59% less chance of developing infections (OR=0.41; 95%CI; 0.15-0.99), when compared to those who did not receive.

CONCLUSION: Vitamin D supplementation was a protective factor against infections of all causes.

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