Heavier Babies Do Better in School (perhaps more vitamin D) – Oct 2014

Heavier Babies Do Better in School New York Times

VitaminDWiki Hypothesis
  • Known: Babies with low birth weight are associated with LOW vitamin D
  • Known: Infants and Children with HIGH vitamin D have fewer illnesses
    and thus probably have more as well as better quality time in school
  • Hypothesis: Babies with high birth weight are associates with HIGH vitamin D
A few quotes from New York Times article
  • Among the top 5 percent of test scorers in elementary school, one in three weighed at least eight pounds at birth, compared with only one in four of all babies.
  • The relationship between birth weight and test scores was present by the time children enrolled in kindergarten and remained fairly constant throughout elementary and middle school.
  • Other research has found that children who do better in elementary school are more likely to graduate from college, earn more as adults and live longer.


See also VitaminDWiki

4671 visitors, last modified 11 Oct, 2014,
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