How to make a version of Vitamin D video in another language

  1. Download a copy of the script (closed captions) in English
    Below the video, select TRANSCRIPT, then select ALL (typically cntrl-A), then COPY (cntrl-C),
    then PASTE (cntrl-V) into a word processing program
    The start of the transcript section should look like
       0:00Have you ever wondered why we are seeing
       0:02dramatic increases in health problems
       0:04since our great-grandparents time?
  2. Download a copy of closed captions with Google translation of the target language
      similar to above, but after select TRANSCRIPT you select the LANGUAGE
  3. Re-do the Google translation to make the script you wish to record onto the video
  4. Download a copy of the video using any of the many services, browser add-ons, or programs which you can download to your computer
       Or just download a copy from Vimeo
  5. Practice doing a voice-over while watching the video with closed captions in English or target language
    Notice the points in the video where voice-over takes too long in your language
  6. Load the video into video editing software
    Microsoft Movie Maker or other free ones 1, 2, and 3 which appears that the software is online
  7. Play the video while recording your voice
    Play it back and make corrections and perhaps freeze frame the video or slow the video to extend time needed (10% slower seems to work)
        (Most software will you allow to re-do just a small portion, rather than the entire 5 minutes)
  8. Upload to a video sharing site such as YouTube
    OR Video creators at Ample Earth can upload it for you if you wish.
    Send your video to via, or just a link to your video on the web.
        We will check that the voice-over sounds good and keeps to the script before linking to it on VitaminDWiki

    Update May 20 - as a possibility instead of steps 6 & 7 & 8
    It may be possible for you to just record an MP3 file which we would then intergrate with the video
    The possibly tricky part is the synchronization of the audio with the video.
    If you can be sure that your voice rarely extends into the next scene there should not be a problem."

OR just donate money to VitaminDWiki while telling us what language you would like

approximately $500 for voice-over, $100 for closed-caption

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6491 visitors, last modified 26 May, 2014,
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