If you have a vitamin D prescription, be sure that it is for D3– June 2017

Most likely a prescription is for D2, not D3
Most 50,000 IU prescriptions around the world are still filled with D2
Some prescriptions specify 50,000 IU of D3, which has been available in the US since about 2000
D2 has proven to be not as effective as D3 and actually CAUSE many health problems
I (founder of VitaminDWiki) have been taking Bio-Tech Pharmacal 50,000 IU D3 for over 5 years now.
I take one every 4 days in winter, every 5 days in the summer
It is available over-the-counter, on the web, and can be prescribed in many countries.
Bio-Tech Pharmacal D3 is ConsumerLab.com Approved for Vitamin D
There are 5+ suppliers for 50,000 IU of D3 - any of which you can get without a prescription

Note: some websites took this information and (mis) stated that you should not take any form of 50,000 IU of vitamin D

See also vitaminDwiki

10803 visitors, last modified 04 Jan, 2023,
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