Off topic: HIV drug developed and patented by US govt costs 1780 dollars but only 8 in Australia - May 2019

AOC grills pharma exec about why the HIV-prevention drug Prep costs $8 in Australia costs $1,780 in the USA

Costs are per month of use
AOC = Congresswoman Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez
Truvada (Prep) earns Gilead $3,000,000,000/year

See also VitaminDWiki


Truvada Side Effects include
nausea, vomiting, stomach pain, diarrhea, headache, dizziness, depression, joint pain, bone loss

Truvada bone loss prevented by Vitamin D
"Feasibility of vitamin D supplementation interventions to mitigate HIV pre-exposure prophylaxis-related bone mineral density loss: a cross-sectional survey" - 2018    Download the PDF from VitaminDWiki

3346 visitors, last modified 18 May, 2019,
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