Omega-3 reduced aggressive incidents in prisoners by 30 percent – RCT June 2018

Supplementation of omega-3 acids reduces the risk of aggression

World Scientific News. 2018 | 101 | 237-245
Ann Mroczek , Marta Pawlicka , Kamil Bałabuszek , Łukasz Pietrzyński , Jerzy Bednarski

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Omega-3 levels (before supplementation?)

Aggression is the growing problem in society. Therefore it is important to identify potential factors preventing aggression. In recent years scientists have observed decreased concentrations of omega-3 acids in people prone to aggression. This discovery suggested that the key to reducing aggression could be omega-3 acids supplementation. The aim of this study is to describe whether omega-3 acids consumption may result in reduction of aggressive behavior. Standard up-to-date criteria were followed for review of the literature data. A search for English-language articles in PubMed database was performed. Papers published between 2014 and 2017 were reviewed.
In randomized study scientist discovered that omega-3 acids supplementation results in 42-68% reduction of parental complaints about aggressive behaviors in children. The improvement of behavior persisted for six months after cessation of treatment.
Scientists in 2015 found out that in the prison population low levels of omega-3 acids in the blood correlate with more aggressive behavior. Patients in treatment group were characterized by more than 30% reduction in aggressive behaviors comparing to placebo group.
In another review study we can notice the same conclusions. Aggression against others and impulsivity were lower in the group receiving omega-3 acids. A greater susceptibility to aggression has been observed among patients who have lower levels of omega-3 acids in their blood. Scientists have demonstrated positive omega-3 effects on the reduction of aggressive behavior. Omega-3 supplementation is safe and well tolerated and it can be used in combination with other methods of aggression treatment.

5932 visitors, last modified 19 Jun, 2018,
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