Osteocalcin and Vitamin D - both are hormones

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  • Search PubMed for OSTEOCALCIN in TITLE 1570 as of July 2014
  • Reduced serum total osteocalcin is associated with central obesity in Korean children May 2014
  • The association of serum osteocalcin with the bone mineral density in post menopausal women May 2013, free PDF online
  • Osteocalcin WikiPedia clips July 2014
    Osteocalcin is secreted solely by osteoblasts and thought to play a role in the body's metabolic regulation and is pro-osteoblastic, or bone-building, by nature.
    It is also implicated in bone mineralization and calcium ion homeostasis.
    Osteocalcin acts as a hormone in the body, causing beta cells in the pancreas to release more insulin, and at the same time directing fat cells to release the hormone adiponectin, which increases sensitivity to insulin.
    Current data suggests a possible role of osteocalcin in male fertility
    Osteocalcin has wide-ranging effects on mice’s fat stores, livers, muscles, pancreases, testes, and even, as new evidence suggests, their brains.
    It turns out that osteocalcin is a messenger, sent by bone to regulate crucial processes all over the body.
    As we age, our bone mass decreases. Memory loss, anxiety, and depression also become more common.
       These may be separate, unfortunate facts about getting old, but they could also be related,
3695 visitors, last modified 29 Jul, 2014,
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