People in Louisiana may be avoiding the hot sun like those in Middle East – May 2012

Reversed Seasonal Variation in Maternal Vitamin D Levels in Southern Louisiana

CLIN PEDIATR May 7, 2012
Mariam Gangat, MD
Tulasi Ponnapakkam, PhD
Elease Bradford, MSPH
Ranjitha Katikaneni, MBBS
Robert Gensure, MD, PhD

Vitamin D is critical in bone and mineral homeostasis, particularly in the prevention of rickets in children. Levels of vitamin D in cord blood were measured in a population from New Orleans as an index of maternal vitamin D status at the time of delivery. Cord blood samples from infants born during the summer and winter showed lower 25-hydroxyvitamin D levels compared with those from infants born during fall and spring, indicating an unusual pattern of seasonality where vitamin D levels were among the lowest in the season with the greatest sunlight. It is important to establish screening and supplementation guidelines based on observed regional trends and risk factors, in addition to considerations based on global recommendations.

See also VitaminDWiki

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