Price and Masterjohn on Vitamin A Vitamin D and Vitamin K – 2010

Weston A Price Foundation

Has a huge amount of health information, with many articles written by Masterjohn

Note: here are some articles by Masterjohn or mentioning Masterjohn on VitaminDWiki

New Evidence of Synergism Between Vitamins A and D — Can They Cure Diabetes?

Christopher Masterjohn in WAPF Blog on 06/03/10
Both A and D were needed for mice pancreatic stem cells

Why Do I Still Have Thyroid Symptoms

Review of book by Datis Kharrazian. 27 million Americans with malfunctioning thyroids and some probably are undiagnosed Hashimoto’s patients. Keywords: hypothyroidism, immune system, the thyroid gland, and gluten. Not only is vitamin D a powerful immune modulator, but “90 percent of people with an autoimmune thyroid disease have a genetic defect that affects their ability to process vitamin D.”

Soy foods increase the body's requirement for vitamin D.

No details given

Vitamin D absorbed through skin of rats in 2 hours Sept 2010

Magnificent Magnesium

Sept 2010. Long interesting article by Katherine Czapp includes the following sentence: “Magnesium is responsible for converting vitamin D to the active form that allows calcium to be absorbed, and also regulates calcium’s transport to hard tissues where it belongs.”

Are Some People Pushing Their Vitamin D Levels Too High?

Christopher Masterjohn in WAPF Blog - May 2010
Makes the point that 35-45 ng is optimal.
“. . . role of vitamins A and K2 in protecting against vitamin D toxicity.”

From Seafood to Sunshine: A New Understanding of Vitamin D Safety

Chris Masterjohn Dec 2006 with 106 references

Table of Contents includes:

    • Sidebar: Do Statins Interfere with the Function of Vitamin D-Binding Protein?
  • Vitamin D2 vs. Vitamin D3
  • Interactions between Vitamins A and D
    • Sidebar: Should We Stay Away from Cod Liver Oil?
  • Interactions between Vitamins K and D
    • Sidebar: Sources of Vitamin K
    • Sidebar: The Warfarin Connection
  • Viewing Vitamin D through the Proper Paradigm
  • Vitamin D in Adults: Requirements and Safety
    • Sidebar: Does Vitamin D interact with Vitamin E?
  • Defining Toxicity
    • Sidebar: Is the "Adequate Intake" Really Adequate?
  • The Way It's Always Been
    • Sidebar: Hypersensitivity to Vitamin D (Primary hyperparathyroidism, Sarcoidosis, Tuberculosis, Lymphoma, Kidney failure, Liver failure)
  • To Test or Not to Test?
    • Sidebar: Testing Vitamin D Levels
    • Sidebar: Dangers of Vitamin D?
  • Revising Our Understanding of Vitamin D

Vitamin D in the Infant: Requirements for Safety

March 2007 Chris Masterjohn 43 references

Update on Vitamins A and D June 2010

The debate, an ideal ratio? …”I raised the issue again in my article “From Seafood to Sunshine: A New Understanding of Vitamin D Toxicity,” wherein I presented research showing that vitamin A protects against vitamin D toxicity and introduced the possibility that vitamins A, D, and K2 may be cooperative factors that should all be consumed in proper balance. I more fully developed this concept in my spring 2007 article on vitamin K2, “On the Trail of the Elusive X-Factor: A Sixty-Two-Year- Old Mystery Finally Solved.”
As a result of this research, in December of 2007, I published a hypothesis on the molecular mechanism of vitamin D toxicity in the journal Medical Hypotheses entitled “Vitamin D toxicity redefined: vitamin K and the molecular mechanism,” (see below) which emphasized interactions between vitamins A, D, and K2. The following year, researchers from Tufts University published a paper in the Journal of Nutrition supporting this hypothesis, showing that vitamin A protects against vitamin D toxicity in part by helping to properly regulate the production of vitamin K-dependent proteins.
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Kidney stones may be the most sensitive indicator of vitamin D toxicity and are a symptom of vitamin A and K2 deficiency.

More Attacks on Vitamin A March 2010 Christopher Masterjohn

Further Questions on Vitamin A March 2010 Christopher Masterjohn

“We can conclude that the relationship between vitamin D and colorectal cancer declines as vitamin A intakes increase,…”
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Vitamin D toxicity redefined: vitamin K and the molecular mechanism.

Med Hypotheses. 2007;68(5):1026-34. Epub 2006 Dec 4.
Masterjohn C.
Weston A. Price Foundation, 4200 Wisconsin Ave., NW, Washington, DC 20016, United States.

The dose of vitamin D that some researchers recommend as optimally therapeutic exceeds that officially recognized as safe by a factor of two; it is therefore important to determine the precise mechanism by which excessive doses of vitamin D exert toxicity so that physicians and other health care practitioners may understand how to use optimally therapeutic doses of this vitamin without the risk of adverse effects. Although the toxicity of vitamin D has conventionally been attributed to its induction of hypercalcemia, animal studies show that the toxic endpoints observed in response to hypervitaminosis D such as anorexia, lethargy, growth retardation, bone resorption, soft tissue calcification, and death can be dissociated from the hypercalcemia that usually accompanies them, demanding that an alternative explanation for the mechanism of vitamin D toxicity be developed.
The hypothesis presented in this paper proposes the novel understanding that vitamin D exerts toxicity by inducing a deficiency of vitamin K. According to this model, vitamin D increases the expression of proteins whose activation depends on vitamin K-mediated carboxylation; as the demand for carboxylation increases, the pool of vitamin K is depleted. Since vitamin K is essential to the nervous system and plays important roles in protecting against bone loss and calcification of the peripheral soft tissues, its deficiency results in the symptoms associated with hypervitaminosis D.
This hypothesis is circumstantially supported by the observation that animals deficient in vitamin K or vitamin K-dependent proteins exhibit remarkable similarities to animals fed toxic doses of vitamin D, and the observation that vitamin D and the vitamin K-inhibitor Warfarin have similar toxicity profiles and exert toxicity synergistically when combined.
The hypothesis further proposes that vitamin A protects against the toxicity of vitamin D by decreasing the expression of vitamin K-dependent proteins and thereby exerting a vitamin K-sparing effect. If animal experiments can confirm this hypothesis, the models by which the maximum safe dose is determined would need to be revised. Physicians and other health care practitioners would be able to treat patients with doses of vitamin D that possess greater therapeutic value than those currently being used while avoiding the risk of adverse effects by administering vitamin D together with vitamins A and K. PMID: 17145139

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See also VitaminDWiki

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