Reasons for Low Vitamin D and what to do

Cause of low Vitamin DOption if unable
to change the cause
Pesticides ( Roundup, etc) Increase D
1st, 2nd, 3rd hand
Increase D
Non-organic food
pesticides, less Mg, Boron,
Increase Mg, Boron
Pollution/SmogIncrease D
Lack of sunshineIncrease D
Antibiotics Increase D
Statins Increase D
Stress – TraumaLoading dose of D
to quickly restore levels
Stress – Emotions Increase D
Soft drink - decreases Calcium Increase D
Low MagnesiumMg supplements
or topical Mg
Genes restrict Vitamin D
in blood getting to cells
increase Receptor activation
Resveratrol, . . . .
Poor Gut Gut-friendly Vitamin D
Poor Liver
Poor Kidney
No GallbladderWater-soluble Vitamin D
Born in the wrong season
Or mother had low vitamin D
Increase D
Dark Skin Increase D
Obese Increase D
(less from the gut and less from skin)
Increase D

Ways to increase D

Oral: daily - supplement or added to food
: weekly
: biweekly
Mouth Wash nanoemulsion Vitamin D
water-soluble Vitamin D
Topical (cream, spray) Especially if skin problem ( Burn, Psoriasis, etc)
Oral Loading dose or Injection
Sunlight at least several times a week
UltraViolet tanning bed, home UV lamp

Reminder – half of Vitamin D is gone from the body (half-life) in 1 to 3 months

See also VitaminDWiki

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