Should NZ and Australia increase vitamin D fortification - June 2012

Symposium held June 12, 2012

Organised by

  • Australian Academy of Science’s National Committee for Nutrition
  • International Life Sciences Institute SEAR Australasia

some text extracted from PDF attached at the bottom of this page

Objectives:To address this public health issue by:

  1. raising the awareness of academics, government, industry and food regulators of the key public health issue of vitamin D deficiency in the Australian population,
  2. highlighting to the government that urgent consideration needs to be given to allowing more vitamin D into the food supply,
  3. Proposing food based strategies to effectively increase vitamin D intake of the Australian and New Zealand populations.


9.30 - Prof Andrew Sinclair, Australian Academy of Science National Committee for Nutrition and ILSI SEAR A'asia Introduction and welcome

9.40 - Prof Caryl Nowson, Deakin University
Overview: Impact of vitamin D insufficiency/deficiency on health

10.10 -Prof Rob Daly, Deakin University Vitamin D status of adult Australians

10.30 -Assoc Prof Andre Renzaho, Monash University
Vitamin D status of dark skinned migrant populations and indigenous Australians

11.10 Prof Susan Whiting, University of Saskatchewan
Impact of mandatory fortification of milk with vitamin D in Canada

11.40 -Prof Rebecca Mason, University of Sydney
How effective is sunlight exposure in maintaining adequate vitamin D status in Australians?

12.00 -Panel discussion
Chair: Prof Caryl Nowson
1.00 -Dr Georgia Paxton, Royal Children's Hospital, Melbourne
Vitamin D deficiency in pregnancy and young children in Australia

1.30 Prof John McGrath, University of Queensland Vitamin D and mental health ? U shaped relationship

1.50 - Prof Peter Ebeling, University of Melbourne Emerging areas relating vitamin D to health

2.10 - Ms Janine Lewis, FSANZ
Current food regulations for vitamin D in Australia and New Zealand

2.35 - Mr Greg Seymour, Australian Mushroom Growers' Association
Vitamin D Mushrooms - The natural solution to Australia's vitamin D problems
Mr Wouter Claerhout, DSM Nutritional Products Ltd; A perfect storm

3.00 - Panel discussion - Food supply options for increasing vitamin D status of Australians and New Zealanders
Chair: Dr Dave Roberts
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Vitamin D must be added to Australian margarine but fortification is voluntary for milk, yoghurts and cheese.

See also VitaminDWiki



Percent of population with less than 20 ng of vitamin D has the following chart: note both Australia and NZ

see wikipage:

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