South Koreans - half take supplements, Vitamin D levels dropping, COVID-19

Dietary supplement use and its effect on nutrient intake in Korean adult population
in the Korea National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey IV (2007–2009) data

_27.4% in men and 40.5% in women aged 19 or older in 2009 took supplements
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Dietary supplement use by south Korean adults: data from the
National Complementary and Alternative Medicine use Survey (NCAMUS) in 2006

"About sixty two percent of adults had taken any dietary supplement during the previous 12-month period in 2006."
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Web - COVID-19 in South Korea



10 most recently changed items in Virus category

Some S. Korean VitaminDWiki studies - perhaps they would be interested in Vitamin D to prevent viruses

12425 visitors, last modified 01 Jun, 2020,
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