Spinal Cord

20 items in Spinal Cord category

Some of the benefits of adding Vitamin D after Spinal Card Injury

  1. Treats SCI if done quickly (a Vitamin D loading dose seems essential)
  2. People with SCI tend to be Shut-in and get less sunshine
  3. Reduces Pain,Fatigue, Depression
  4. I Helps increase strength
  5. Reduce risk of osteoporosis (very common in SCI)
  6. Reduce risk of pressure ulcers
  7. Reduce risk of. becoming obese
  8. Reduces bone loss resulting from spinal cord injury 2021, FREE PDF

10 most-visited pages in Spinal Cord Injury

See also web

VitaminDWiki - Many Neurological Diseases fought by Vitamin D - Dec 2022

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