UK Osteoporosis Society (inadequate) guidelines for vitamin D and bone health – Nov 2014

National Osteoporosis Society Practical Clinical Guideline on Vitamin D and Bone Health

Maturitas: November 27, 2014, DOI:
R.M. Francisemail, T.J. Aspray, C.E. Bowring, W.D. Fraser, N.J. Gittoes, M.K. Javaid, H.M. Macdonald, S. Patel, P.L. Selby, N. Tanna
 Download the PDF from VitaminDWiki.

There is growing interest in the importance of vitamin D in the maintenance of bone health and the prevention of falls and fractures. Although there is no universal consensus on the criteria for vitamin D deficiency, this is common in the UK, particularly in frail older people [1]. This has resulted in a marked increase in requests for serum 25 hydroxyvitamin D (25OHD) estimation, but there has been confusion about the indications for these measurements, interpretation of the results and the management of vitamin D deficiency.

Quotes from PDF with comments by VitaminDWiki

  • For average adult
    They do not mention dark skin, obese, pregnant, child, or senior
  • “Serum 25OHD measurements are not recommended in asymptomatic healthy individuals with no evidence of bone disease.”
  • >20 ng is sufficient for almost the whole population
  • “Patients with a serum 25OHD above 50 nmol/L should be reassured and given advice on maintaining adequate vitamin D levels through safe sunlight exposure and diet. “
    No suggestion about supplementing: just sunlight and diet
    No comment about the cofactors REQUIRED for bone health
  • “Vitamin D2 may be preferred by vegetarians and patients who wish to avoid vitamin D of animal origin because of religious or cultural beliefs”
    They appear to be unaware of the availability of vitamin D3 made from plants
  • “ Oral administration of vitamin D is recommended, because of unpredictable bioavailability and slower correction of vitamin D deficiency with intramuscular preparations (7,8).”
    Appear to be unaware of topical, vaginal, sublingual, etc
  • “Loading doses should provide a total of approximately 300,000 IU (7,500 µg) vitamin D, given either as weekly or daily doses.
    Overview Loading of vitamin D has many other opinions on loading doses around the world
  • “Maintenance treatment should be considered one month after loading, with doses equivalent to 800 to 2,000 IU”
    half of seniors got ZERO improvement from 1600 IU
  • The only references in the PDF after 2010 were to Vitamin D2 studies

See also VitaminDWiki

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