Vitamin D - for children with intellectual development disabilities and fight Ebola - Nov 2014

Sunlight Isn't Enough - Almost everyone needs Vitamin D Supplements

By Sunil J. Wimalawansa

It has the following paragraph


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Strong Immune System fights Ebola

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Endocrinology of Persons with Intellectual Disabilities
There are approximately 3.8 million patients with developmental disability (DD) in the Unites States. Yet in Medical school and physicians get very little exposure to understand and manage patient with DD. These patients have a disproportionately high incidence of endocrine other biochemical abnormalities. The AMA has recently declared that the developmentally disabled as a "Medically Underserved Population" (MUP status), which comes under “Healthcare Disparity”.
The incidence of fractures among adults’ patients with DD is approximately 15 times higher than ambulatory patients and over 85% suffer from vitamin D deficiency. Endocrinologists should contribute tremendously to help these patients. It is plausible that the high incidence of falls and fractures in these patients (also other highly prevalent chronic illnesses including, epilepsy, GERD, behavioral issues, oral and dental issues) are related to significant vitamin D deficiency, and thus, corrections would likely to decrease the severity of these comorbidities and decrease mortality.

Comment by VitaminDWiki
Some of the reason for DD having less vitamin D is that they do not get outdoors as much

7356 visitors, last modified 09 Nov, 2014,
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