Vitamin D tests using smartphone, etc. - 2022

Some companies provide quantitative results by looking at a vitamin D test strip
The cost of the test strip is about 1/2 the cost of a dried blood spot test
The in-home or in-office method gives results in 15 minutes
The dried blood spot test gives results in 3-5 days (mail-in and email back)

Preventis smartphone- medical professionals only Preventis

Kiweno smartphone 39 Euro Kiweno

Nanospeed Diagnostics with Cube Reader Nanospeed

Detection range: 3 to 100 ng/mL; 94% correlation with LC/MS blood tests
Image Image
Cube reader (which takes the place of a smartphone) costs about $500

VitaminDwiki - Tests for Vitamin D contains the following overview/opinion

1179 visitors, last modified 27 Nov, 2022,
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