Vitamin D toxicity after 4 months of weekly 600,000 IU – 2012

First case of vitamin D toxicity

Clips from the post

  • A 67-year-old woman went to the hospital with a history of lethargy, memory impairment, confusion, loss of appetite, and loss of equilibrium for two-weeks duration.
  • Her routine biochemistry showed elevated blood calcium at 14 mg/dl. This is dangerously high. *The doctors then checked her vitamin D level and it was also extremely high at 254 ng/ml.
  • . . all of this woman’s lab tests including her liver tests, lipids, thyroid panel, and blood counts were completely normal. (other than Calcium)
  • it took a full six months for her levels to come down to 66 ng/ml.
  • If you notice any symptoms of calcium overload (extreme tiredness, bone and muscle pain, and increased thirst), cut back on how often you take it. You’ll soon be back to normal.

See also VitaminDWiki

Graph of dose vs week

Chart indicates that 85,000 IU daily is still safe at about 4 weeks - and the study on this page had toxicity occuring at 16 weeks

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