Zika Puerto Rico – 1300 new cases in past week – July 15, 2016

Zika Virus Jump: Puerto Rico Sees Big Increase in Case Count


  • “. . total of 4,437 cases since the mosquito-borne virus was first detected in December.”
  • “A total of 553 pregnant women have Zika, which can cause severe birth defects.”
  • “Fifty-five people have been hospitalized for Zika-related illnesses, including 19 diagnosed with a temporary paralysis known as Guillain-Barre syndrome that has been linked to the virus”
    Thus GBS = 0.4% = 19/4437 (similar rate to that found elsewhere)
  • “The U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention has warned that up to 20 percent of Puerto Rico's nearly 3.5 million people could be infected with Zika in an outbreak expected to peak by this summer.”

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4920 visitors, last modified 15 Jul, 2016,
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