Zika in Florida – 1 local infection, 11 new reported in one day, 263 for the year - July 20, 2016

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Many local Zika cases in Miami – Aug 2016

CDC, Florida probing possible Zika case from Miami mosquito

  • “Miami-Dade County has the most confirmed infections in Florida so far — 88, but all have been found to be travel-related.”

New Zika record: 11 cases in Florida identified in one day

  • Miami-Dade has most Zika cases with 72 infections confirmed
  • Statewide, 263 people have contracted Zika this year
  • “In total, 263 people in Florida have contracted the Zika virus since January, though only 28 are still exhibiting symptoms, according to the health department.”

See also VitaminDWiki

2719 visitors, last modified 09 Aug, 2016,
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