Project put on hold becasue I am too busy
Approximate hours per day
- 5 hours - caregiving for 103 year-old father-in-law living with us
see also Off topic – Caregiving of seniors at home – helpful hints - 3 hours scanning news items ~`100 new studies each day and uploading ~8 of them and updating 10 others
- 3 hours getting HMO to notice the bottom line benefits of Vitamin D
So, did not have ~3 hours to manage assistants to increase the visibility of VitaminDWiki web pages
I have found assistants for each of 4 categories of work but do not have time to manage them
Some of the 7,000+ VitaminDWiki pages are
- Very popular (>3,000 visits)
- And have been read for 3+ minutes (average)
We are considering giving these pages more visibility through
- in PDF format
- in PDF format
- in Kindle format
- Social media such as,
1 paragraph intro with link to webpage - Advertising of pages with Google AdWords
in many languages – English started in 2014 - Sending PDFs (with introductions) to groups, such as,, applicable forums - Medical publication
- Issue a press release for the page (free for non-profits)
- Human translation of a few pages to a few languages (improving Google Translate)
All of the VitaminDWiki pages can be easily read in 90+ languages (via Google Translate)
Thus the publishing/increased visibility can often be done in various languages
Note: Text in graphics are not translated, so may be of little use in another language
__If you have suggestion of pages or locations for increased visibility please email -
Each page will take 10-30 hours
- Update – remove old, add new, update or create summary for the top of the page
- For very old pages: add categories (i.e. pregnancy, autism.) – with summary
- Broken link checking (about 1% of links off of VitaminDWiki are now broken)
- Sometimes extract some or all of attached PDF to page (text & some graphics) for translation (Use ABBYY PDF Transformer+)
I may not have had enough time to extract it originally - Edit for readability, possibly improve title
- Check that formatting still OK after translation
- Spell and grammar checking
- Perhaps add incoming links to the page
Compare "Links to this page" at the bottom of the page with the outgoing hyperlinks - Publish (make PDF, Kindle, . . ) - probably making "jacket covers" in each language
Publish in English initially, then perhaps Spanish, etc.
Note: Print to PDF at bottom of page is English-only.
People with a variety of talents will be needed to do the above preparation and publication
Would like to also create translatable versions of several graphics
The Text-based version of each graphic need not look the samen or have the same colors, but it should have similar content.
This will make the text available for translation during publication - both online and offline
Examples (all of which are clickable)
Many ways to increase Vitamin D
Pre-term birth costs $51,800 (vs. very little vitamin D to prevent one: 10% of births are pre-term)
Evolution seems to indicate a vitamin D level of 45-60 ng
Many Vicious loops: low D ==> diseases ==> lower D
VitaminDWiki uses software that allows many people to edit it at the same time.
Send me a note if you would like to help -
This page was created 11/11/2015 = singles day in China - One Chinese company sold $14 billion online in one day