Microbiome improvement by probiotics can be augmented with phages (gut, etc.)

Phages kill off bad bacteria, making room for the good bacteria in probiotics
Bio-availability of various nutrients, such as vitamin D, is increased with good bacteria
Probiotics have been used in the gut for a long time
Gut probiotics has been augmented with phages
Probiotics has been used in various respiratory problems for some years now
Use of phages in the respiratory system is a new area of study (2017)

Phages Improve Intestinal and Immune Health LEF July 2018

 Download the PDF from VitaminDWiki

The impact of bacteriophages on probiotic bacteria and gut microbiota diversity – 2011

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Inhaled phage therapy: a promising and challenging approach to treat bacterial respiratory infections – Aug 2017

 Download the PDF from researchgate via VitaminDWiki

See also VitaminDWiki

Microbionome category listing has 36 items along with related searches
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