Example: Multiple Sclerosis (June 2022)
Lists all other categories associated with Multiple Sclerosis
Clicking on "Associations will show you all of the the studies in Multiple Sclerosis and that category
"Associated category" links to the category summary page
The following is an image that cannot be clicked on
Here are all of the associations so far (Overviews summarized Nov 2023)
- wiki page:
- Magnesium Depletion Score predicts increased risk of various health problems
- Vitamin D meta-analyses for different health problems
- Curcumin helps many health problems
- Meta-analyses of vitamin D, etc, sorted by associated category
- meta-analysis admin test with 55 associations
- Vitamin D is indispensable for the health of women - editorial June 2022
- Vitamin D fights Coronary Artery Disease in many ways – when will it be used in therapy – May 2022
- The Role of Magnesium in the Pathogenesis of Metabolic Disorders – April 2022
- Associations of VIRUS category to others in VitaminDWiki
- Magnesium fights diabetes (yet again)– meta-analysis Nov 2021
- Vitamin C
- Better than Daily
- Resveratrol improves health (Vitamin D receptor, etc.) - many studies
- Vitamin B12
- Intervention - non daily
- Iodine
- Virus
- Zinc and Vitamin D
- Vitamin D Binding Protein
- Intervention - Vitamin D
- Middle East and Vitamin D
- Loading Dose of Vitamin D
- Inflammation
- Overview Meta-analysis of Vitamin D
- Vitamin D and Vitamin K
- UV and D
- Headache
- Hypertension
- Kidney
- Liver
- Multiple Sclerosis
- Obesity
- Pain - chronic
- Pregnancy
- Seniors
- Skin - Dark
- Sleep
- Stroke
- Trauma and surgery
- Tuberculosis
- Women
- Falls and Fractures
- Diabetes
- Depression
- Cystic Fibrosis
- Cognitive
- Cholesterol
- Cardiovascular
- Breathing
- Bone - Health
- Autism
- Overview Pain and Vitamin D
- Overview UV and vitamin D
- Overview Sports and vitamin D
- Overview Hypertension and Vitamin D
- Overview Magnesium and vitamin D
- Overview Kidney and vitamin D
- Overview Vitamin K and Vitamin D
- Overview Obesity and Vitamin D
- Overview Parkinson's and Vitamin D
1368 visitors, last modified 19 Nov, 2023, |