Table of contents
- Introduction to Iodine
- $25 billion reduced health care cost due to Iodine fortification in Iran - 2024
- Iodine levels in the US have dropped by more than half - Nov 2024
- Typically takes a century for govts to fortify food with nutrients (like vitamin D)
- 4 books on the importance of Iodine to health
33 Iodine articles in VitaminDWiki - See also web
- Iodine associated categories: Omega-3 9, Magnesium 7, Zinc 7, Iron 7, Vitamin K 6, Vitamin B12 6, Supplement 5, Boron 5, Pregnancy 5, Vitamin A 4, Resveratrol ,3 Curcumin 3, Vitamin C 3, etc
Introduction to Iodine
33 items in Iodine category See also Vitamin D and Iodine are similar, and both are deficient and important to health
$25 billion reduced health care cost due to Iodine fortification in Iran - 2024
The economic cost of iodine deficiency
After more than 30 years with improved iodine nutrition, the article estimates that Iranian children have collectively- gained approximately 90 million IQ points.
- 30 million cases of goitre and thousands of thyroid surgeries have been prevented,
- with an approximate savings of more than $25 billion in health care expenditure.
Iodine levels in the US have dropped by more than half - Nov 2024
A scourge that damages babies’ brains is coming back Economist Nov 2024
- "In America, where good data exist, the median urinary concentration of it in adults has fallen from around 300 micrograms per litre in the 1970s to 116 in 2020, just shy of insufficiency, which begins below 100. Most at risk are pregnant women, who need more iodine to keep themselves and their fetuses healthy."
Most countries REQUIRE Iodine fortification, the US does not
In an attempt to reduce blood pressure, people are consuming less salt, so less Iodine if the supplier happened to fortify with Iodine
Whereas table salt is often fortified, the salt in processed foods generally is not
Alternative milks are rarely fortified with IodineDoctors Are Worried That Iodine Deficiency Is Coming Back Jan 2025
- " Processed foods now make up a large part of the American diet, and though they contain a lot of salt, it's not iodized. Leading bread brands no longer add iodine."
- "A Michigan State University study of about 460 pregnant women in the city of Lansing found about a quarter of them were not getting enough."
Typically takes a century for govts to fortify food with nutrients (like vitamin D)
4 books on the importance of Iodine to health
Iodine: Why You Need It, Why You Can't Live Without It - 2014
Excellent substack highlights and review of the book Jan 2025
The Iodine Crisis: What You Don't know About Iodine Can Wreck Your Life - 2018
Healing With Iodine: Your Missing Link To Better Health - Sircus 2018
Iodine: Why more is better - 2022 Free Amazon kindle unlimited
33 Iodine articles in VitaminDWiki - wiki page:
- Many of the minerals needed for health are Vitamin D cofactors - Jan 2025
- Consensus: Vitamin D is the most needed supplement before, during, and after pregnancy - Jan 2025
- Re-emerging problem of iodine deficiency in Europe - July 2024
- Increasing child IQ and increased Iodine: 81, 83, 98, and 103 - July 2024
- Supplements taken by the founder of VitaminDWiki
- Table salt was fortified with Vitamin A, Iodine, etc in Indian Trial –Nov 2022
- Excellent reviews of supplements at ConsumerLab
- Early brain development helped by Iron, Iodine, Vitamin D, Omega-3. Zinc etc. – Oct 2021
- Pregnancy recommendations – huge differences in Vitamin D, Mg, iron, Iodine, DHA, etc – April 2021
- World's Top Authors in Vitamin D, VDR, Vitamin K, Omega-3, etc - Jan 2019
- Adding Iodine to salt added 11 percent to goiter states income (how much might vitamin D add) – July 2018
- Iodine fortification of Australian bread since 2009 has helped – June 2017
- Thyroid problems more than double when both Vitamin D and Iodine are low – Sept 2017
- Micronutrients (such as Vitamin D) needed during pregnancy – May 2016
- Hypothesis: 7X increase in Iodine deficiency explains increased rate of breast cancer remote metastasis – Jan 2017
- So Tell Me . . . What Are You Doing to Prevent Breast Cancer - June 2017
- Iodine
- Iodine Deficiency During Pregnancy – many studies
- Preterm births strongly related to Vitamin D, Vitamin D Receptor, Iodine, Omega-3, etc
- Results of many blood tests in Australia – deficiencies only in Vitamin D, Iodine, and Vitamin B-12 – Dec 2015
- Common deficiencies D3, Omega-3, K2, Mg, B12, E, A, Iodine, etc – Mercola Oct 2015
- Iodine added during pregnancy reduces preterm births, increases IQ. Etc.
- Vitamin D Cofactors in a nutshell
- Typically takes a century for govts to fortify food with nutrients (like vitamin D)
- Vitamin D, DHA, Folic, Iodine benefits during pregnancy – July 2012
- Obesity epidemic: a perfect storm of deficiency of vitamin D, Magnesium, Iodine, etc – May 2012
- Iodine deficiency
- Vitamin D and Iodine are similar, and both are deficient and important to health
- Obesity pandemic since 1975 - is it due to Vitamin D, Magnesium, Iodine, adenovirus, or what
- Hashimoto's Thyroiditis and Vitamin D - multiple studies
- Off topic – myth that should have low salt diet
- Iodine deficiency might cause obesity
See also web
- Nutritional iodine status and obesity - Nov 2021 PDF
- Video interview by Dr. Campbell of Dr Eccles on Iodine, Vitamin D, etc. March 2022
- No Iodine supplementation requirement in 20 countries on earth - The UK is one of them Oct 2018
- 150 micrograms of Iodine needed daily for months before conception July2019
- 6 verbal IQ points less at age 5 - not statistically significant
-  Download the PDF from VitaminDWiki
- India finally mandated that all common salt be Iodized July 2019
- Does not apply to rock salt, black salt, Himalayan pink salt
- Unknown about iodization of salt used in prepared food
- Map of Iodine levels in Europe Oct 2018
- "In the 1960's, iodine was added to our bread dough. This was a good thing, since one slice of bread gave you your recommended daily allowance. Unfortunately, twenty years later, the National Institute of Health came to believe we were getting too much iodine. This idea was not based on any credible scientific evidence."
Iodine associated categories: Omega-3 9, Magnesium 7, Zinc 7, Iron 7, Vitamin K 6, Vitamin B12 6, Supplement 5, Boron 5, Pregnancy 5, Vitamin A 4, Resveratrol ,3 Curcumin 3, Vitamin C 3, etc
Thyroid and parathyroid 3 Cost savings 2 Cognitive 2 Fortification 2 Calcium 2 Cancer - Breast 2 Obesity 2 Vitamin D Receptor 2 March 2024
This page is in the following categories (# of items in each category)Attached files
ID Name Uploaded Size Downloads 17583 Nutritional iodine status and obesity.pdf admin 13 May, 2022 833.67 Kb 495 12631 Iodine IQ.pdf admin 13 Sep, 2019 456.59 Kb 993 10842 Europe Iodine map.jpg admin 14 Nov, 2018 68.93 Kb 2314