It appears that Vitamin C needs to be taken orally many times a day to be useful
It is similar to vitamin C injections
- All
55 of the Vitamin C articles - VitaminDWiki -
25 studies in both categories Vitamin C and Virus - What are the benefits of liposomal vitamin C over standard vitamin C? asked Perplexity AI - Dec 2024
- Vitamin C needed to precent and treat Cancer - March 2024
- Vitamin C—Sources, Physiological Role, Kinetics, Deficiency, Use, Toxicity, and Determination - Feb 2021
- Neuroprotective properties of vitamin C: A Scoping Review of pre-clinical and clinical studies - Feb 2021
- The Role of Vitamin C in Two Distinct Physiological States: Physical Activity and Sleep - Dec 2020
- Mortality in septic patients treated with vitamin C: a systematic meta-analysis Jan 2021
- Vitamin C and Immune Function - Nov 2017
- Special issue on Vitamin C in Nutrients - 2017 (15 studies)
- Vitamin C consumption has decreased
- Vitamin C books (have not looked at them)
- The Ultimate Vitamin C Crash Course - Collagen, Hormones, Chemistry & More - video Aug 2019
- Vitamin C category is associated with: Virus 25, Zinc 20, Magnesium, 11, Vitamin K 9, Vitamin A 8, Resveratrol 8, Supplement 7, Vitamin B12 7, Boron, 6, Omega-3 6, Calcium 6, Iron 4, Iodine 4, Curcumin 4
- There have been
7270 visits to this page
55 of the Vitamin C articles - wiki page:
- Which supplements are often taken for healing hairline bone fractures
- Need 2X Vitamin D and other micronutrients if eat 2X more calories – Jan 2024
- Supplements taken by the founder of VitaminDWiki
- COVID appears to be treated by many antioxidants (Vitamins D, C, E, K, and Quercetin, Curcumin, etc) – Jan 2023
- Factors that increase Vitamin D response for the GRH cohort - Jan 2023
- COVID fought by the antioxidants: Vitamin D, Zinc, Vitamin C, and Selenium – Review Sept 2022
- COVID worse if lower Vitamin C, but not Vitamin D in this study – Aug 2022
- There may be a bias against Vitamin C in Mainstream Medicine – Jan 2022
- Surviving COVID with vitamins and minerals is not a myth – June 2022
- COVID treatment patent applied for - using Rutin, Vitamin D, Vitamin C, Magnesium, etc. – April 2022
- Excellent reviews of supplements at ConsumerLab
- Good working memory in seniors is associated with both Vitamin D and Vitamin C – March 2022
- How vitamins A, B, C, D, E, F (Omega), K fight COVID - Feb 2022
- How vitamins D, C, Zinc, and Selenium might fight COVID - Dec 2021
- COVID-19 - How can I cure thee (Vitamin C, D, Zinc, Magnesium, etc) – Levy July 2020
- Vitamin C helps COVID-19 (IV and oral) – review of 12 studies Oct 2021
- COVID-19 decreased risk if add Vitamin D, A, C, NAC, Se, Zn, or Omega-3 – Dec 2021
- Paleo Vitamin D, Vitamin C, Iron, Zinc, Potassium, etc were much higher
- COVID-19 patients had low levels of Zinc, Vitamin A, Vitamin D, and Vitamin C – Sept 2021
- Vitamin D, C, A, and E, as well as Iron, Se, and Zinc each augment vaccine response – July 2021
- COVID-19 treatment outside of hospital – Vitamin D, zinc, etc. – May 2021
- Important Role of Micronutrients during COVID-19 (Zinc, Vitamin D, C, Folate) – May 5, 2021
- Many supplements appear to fight COVID-19 – vitamin D cited 52 times – May 2021
- Overview of reviews of COVID-19 and vitamin D, etc. – April 2021
- Vitamin C
- Less than 10 dollars of Vitamin D per COVID-19 life saved in Myanmar - Jan 2021
- Micronutrients for COVID-19: Vitamin D, Vitamin C, Melatonin, Zinc, Se, etc. - Dec 2020
- Vitamin C may treat COVID-19 (several studies)
- For COVID-19: Vitamin C use might cause kidney stones, but Vitamin D will not– Aug 8, 2020
- COVID-19 possible therapies: Vitamin D, Selenium, Zinc, Vitamin C, Potassium, Resveratrol , etc.– Aug 5, 2020
- Vitamin C IV, which treats Sepsis, also treats COVID-19 - May 2020
- Does vitamin D (and C) help with Covid-19 - May 2020
- Fight COVID-19 with Vitamin D, Vitamin C, Zinc, Selenium, Resveratrol, etc. - Sardi May 12, 2020
- COVID-19 prompts awareness of deficiencies of Vitamin D, C and Magnesium - April 6 2020
- Vitamin C sometimes reduces mechanical ventilation duration – meta-analysis Feb 2020
- Children with cancer were deficient in Vitamin D, Vitamin C, and Zinc – July 2019
- Off topic: Transcutaneous enhancers (DMSO, etc) for Vitamin D, Vitamin C, Resveratrol, Magnesium, etc.
- Problem with vitamin C if high dose Vitamin D for MS and have gene problem – Sept 2018
- Both Vitamin D and Vitamin C fight cancers and aid anticancer drugs – May 2018
- Common cold prevented and treated by Vitamin D, Vitamin C, Zinc, and Echinacea – review April 2018
- Light and Vitamins - D, A, C, B1, B2, B3, B9, B12, E – April 2018
- Cancer treatment helped by Vitamin D, C, and E – Book 2017
- Blotchy skin in seniors (Bateman purpura or dermatoporosis) treated by topical vitamin C, etc. – RCT Aug 2017
- Vitamin C videos reviewed - Oct 2017
- Vitamin C is as good as exercise at reducing cardiovascular problems - Sept 2015
- Vitamin D Cofactors in a nutshell
- Vitamin C reduces liver inflammation, which improves vitamin D production – Dec 2014
- Off Topic: EDTA similar reduction in heart attack as Vitamin C, aspirin and Mg – RCT March 2013
- Alzheimer’s and Vitamins D, B, C, E, as well as Omega-3, metals, etc. – June 2013
- 8 days of vitamin C reduced distress, but 8 days of Vitamin D was not long enough – April 2013
- Vitamin C is important for the common cold and much else
- Healthy bones need Ca, Silicon, Vitamins B, C, D, and K – Dec 2012
- Healthy bones need: Calcium, Vitamin D, Magnesium, Silicon, Vitamin K, and Boron – 2012
- Fish need vitamin D and C for their bones – Dec 2010
- Postmenopausal women should supplement vitamins C D K and Calcium – June 2010
VitaminDWiki -
25 studies in both categories Vitamin C and Virus This list is automatically updated
- COVID appears to be treated by many antioxidants (Vitamins D, C, E, K, and Quercetin, Curcumin, etc) – Jan 2023
- COVID fought by the antioxidants: Vitamin D, Zinc, Vitamin C, and Selenium – Review Sept 2022
- COVID worse if lower Vitamin C, but not Vitamin D in this study – Aug 2022
- Surviving COVID with vitamins and minerals is not a myth – June 2022
- COVID treatment patent applied for - using Rutin, Vitamin D, Vitamin C, Magnesium, etc. – April 2022
- How vitamins A, B, C, D, E, F (Omega), K fight COVID - Feb 2022
- How vitamins D, C, Zinc, and Selenium might fight COVID - Dec 2021
- Vitamin C helps COVID-19 (IV and oral) – review of 12 studies Oct 2021
- COVID-19 decreased risk if add Vitamin D, A, C, NAC, Se, Zn, or Omega-3 – Dec 2021
- COVID-19 patients had low levels of Zinc, Vitamin A, Vitamin D, and Vitamin C – Sept 2021
- Vitamin D, C, A, and E, as well as Iron, Se, and Zinc each augment vaccine response – July 2021
- COVID-19 treatment outside of hospital – Vitamin D, zinc, etc. – May 2021
- Important Role of Micronutrients during COVID-19 (Zinc, Vitamin D, C, Folate) – May 5, 2021
- Many supplements appear to fight COVID-19 – vitamin D cited 52 times – May 2021
- Overview of reviews of COVID-19 and vitamin D, etc. – April 2021
- Less than 10 dollars of Vitamin D per COVID-19 life saved in Myanmar - Jan 2021
- Micronutrients for COVID-19: Vitamin D, Vitamin C, Melatonin, Zinc, Se, etc. - Dec 2020
- Vitamin C may treat COVID-19 (several studies)
- For COVID-19: Vitamin C use might cause kidney stones, but Vitamin D will not– Aug 8, 2020
- COVID-19 possible therapies: Vitamin D, Selenium, Zinc, Vitamin C, Potassium, Resveratrol , etc.– Aug 5, 2020
- Vitamin C IV, which treats Sepsis, also treats COVID-19 - May 2020
- Does vitamin D (and C) help with Covid-19 - May 2020
- Fight COVID-19 with Vitamin D, Vitamin C, Zinc, Selenium, Resveratrol, etc. - Sardi May 12, 2020
- COVID-19 prompts awareness of deficiencies of Vitamin D, C and Magnesium - April 6 2020
- Common cold prevented and treated by Vitamin D, Vitamin C, Zinc, and Echinacea – review April 2018
What are the benefits of liposomal vitamin C over standard vitamin C? asked Perplexity AI - Dec 2024
Liposomal vitamin C offers several significant advantages over standard vitamin C supplements, primarily due to its enhanced absorption and bioavailability. Here are the key benefits of liposomal vitamin C compared to standard forms:
__Superior Absorption and Bioavailability
Liposomal vitamin C is encapsulated in tiny fat-based vesicles called liposomes, which protect the vitamin C from degradation in the digestive system and enhance its absorption
. This unique delivery system allows for significantly higher bioavailability compared to standard vitamin C supplements, with studies showing it to be 1.77 times more bioavailable
Increased Cellular Uptake
The liposomal encapsulation allows vitamin C to pass through cell membranes more easily, resulting in better intracellular delivery
. This means that more vitamin C reaches the target cells where it can exert its beneficial effects
Lower Effective Dosage
Due to its enhanced absorption and bioavailability, liposomal vitamin C can achieve optimal results with a smaller dose compared to traditional supplements 8
This makes it more cost-effective and potentially reduces the risk of gastrointestinal side effects associated with high doses of standard vitamin C.
__Improved Efficacy for Specific Health Conditions
Liposomal vitamin C may be particularly beneficial for individuals with:- Digestive issues or malabsorption problems
- Immune system disorders
- Conditions requiring higher doses of vitamin C
The enhanced delivery system of liposomal vitamin C can help overcome absorption barriers in these cases 4
Additional Phospholipid Benefits
Liposomal vitamin C provides phosphatidylcholine, a major component of lecithin, which supports cell membrane function.
This may offer additional benefits for digestive health and cellular functions
.In conclusion, while both forms of vitamin C offer health benefits, liposomal vitamin C provides a more efficient and effective way to deliver this essential nutrient to the body's cells, potentially leading to improved outcomes across various health parameters.
Vitamin C needed to precent and treat Cancer - March 2024
Cancer, a rare disease in ancient times is now the second leading killer of humans in the US. Statistics show that people over 60 face a 50% chance of developing cancer. Prior to 1900, this disease didn’t even make the top ten. Today, it touches almost all families. The chemical industry got into full swing after World War II, so did the cancer rate. Coincidence?
In 1971, over a half million Americans fell victim to cancer, with 280,000 succumbing to the disease within a year. Fast forward to 2022, and a staggering 1.9 million cases emerged, claiming over 600,000 lives.
Organized Western medicine’s approach to treating this disease hasn’t changed in over 100 years. It’s all about drugs, surgery, and radiation. Success in treating cancer with these methods has overall been a dismal failure. The typical life of a cancer patient is filled with misery and pain. The average cost for cancer treatment in the US today is approaching $200,000, and can go much higher depending on the type of cancer. And, that doesn’t include loss of wages or the burden on family for home care.
One thing for certain, cancer depletes the body of vitamin C that is concentrated in the immune cells. Immune cells depleted of vitamin C cannot effectively help fight cancer. Humans are unable to replenish vitamin C internally, we typically rely exclusively on our diet for vitamin C. Diet alone cannot optimize vitamin C levels.
Visualize vitamin C levels on a scale from “0% to 100%” as it concentrates in the blood, cells, and organs of the body. Animals are always at 100% due to their ability to convert glucose into vitamin C in addition to the amount they obtain from their food automatically. Humans and apes on the other hand get their vitamin C exclusively from food alone. Apes and monkeys live in the tropics where their vitamin C rich food source (fruits and plants) is available year around. So, their concentration of vitamin C in their blood, cells, and organs is around 85%, enough to keep them in reasonable health.
Humans on the other hand oscillate between 5-30% of vitamin C concentration. It’s a condition called hypoascorbemia (low levels of vitamin C). At the bottom end of the scale it’s called subclinical scurvy, just before full blown scurvy symptoms. That’s why humans are highly susceptible to diseases and infections. Interestingly, it’s only humans and apes that catch colds.Vitamin C supplements are inexpensive, effective, and non-toxic in any amount.The fix for this low level of vitamin C has been widely available ever since Linus Pauling wrote his first book “Vitamin C and the Common Cold” in the 1970’s. Then, the propaganda campaign orchestrated by the medical/pharmaceutical industry got into full swing. Their goal is to create doubt about vitamin C’s effectiveness, and distort and lie about health risks. Vitamin C is a serious threat to profits of the sick care industry.
To only take vitamin C at the start of a cold or flu to shorten duration and severity, is to miss out on the health promoting properties of this vital nutrient including cancer prevention and treatment. In order to get into the 85-100% saturation range and reap the health promoting benefits of vitamin C, optimal dosing is imperative.
Cancer starts as a damaged cell that no longer functions the way a healthy cell is programmed to do by nature. The immune system can typically identify these rogue cells and destroy and eliminate them before they multiply and become a well-established cancer. A healthy and robust immune system is essential for this task. Without vitamin C the immune system operates at suboptimal efficiency. Kind of like not providing a soldier with enough bullets to get the job done.
The immune system is your protector and healer. For the immune system to function at its peak, optimal nutrition (especially optimizing vitamin C), is a must. For modern humans of today, optimal nutrition cannot be achieved without supplementation. We do not get the full complement of vitamins and minerals from our diet due to nutrient depletion in processed and cooked foods.
All animals, except humans, eat fresh, ripe, and raw food, thus ensuring all nutrients, macro (protein, carbohydrates, and fats) and micro (vitamins and minerals), are there for their bodies to utilize. Vitamins and minerals are essential substances for all life to survive and thrive. An undernourished body cannot maintain optimal health.
Think of all the trillions of cells in the body as each one having its own engine to perform the work it is programmed to do. The engine needs oxygen and food as fuel to keep performing its task. Think of the vitamins and minerals as the nuts, bolts, and screws, that hold the engine together and allow it to keep running smoothly. Without all these small pieces the cell cannot function properly. An extra benefit of vitamin C is that it detoxifies the cells of harmful toxins, chemicals and poisons that gum up the works.
Although cancer can and does affect humans at all stages of life, it’s most prevalent after 60. The normal decline of the effectiveness of the immune system due to age is quite obvious. Based on studies and observations we humans all have the potential to live an independent, healthy, and vibrant life, until around 90 years. Thereafter, assistance from caregivers, family or otherwise, becomes the norm.
Life on earth is a one-time go-around. If you have family and friends to enjoy, it’s worth living. If your body is filled with sickness, pain, and misery, there is not much enjoyment to be had. To achieve, and maintain, an independent, healthy lifestyle, you must become proactive and prioritize health and wellness.
Practically all animals on this planet make their own vitamin C and lots of it. The few species of animals that don’t make their own vitamin C (apes and monkeys) all live in the tropics where vitamin C-rich vegetation is available to them year-round. Humans also evolved in the tropics until they left to populate the rest of the world. Chronic deficiency of vitamin C is at the root of immune system failure. Cancer cannot be stopped or treated without a well-functioning immune system.
Reports of many chemicals being labeled as cancer-causing when ingested in excess amounts are continuously being posted in the media. There are many thousands of foreign chemicals that humans are exposed to every day from our air, water, and food. Most man-made chemicals have the potential to cause damage to cells and turn a healthy cell into a cancer cell.
There are different paths you can take to address a cancer threat. The most favorite is do nothing and just believe in Que Sera, Sera, (whatever will be, will be). With this choice your chance of dying of or with cancer is very high. This approach is favored by the medical establishment. More often than not when cancer is diagnosed its attributed to bad luck or bad genes. Doctors are typically not trained and are not knowledgeable about any other complementary therapies. When you get a diagnosis of cancer, you will then be referred to an oncologist to get the latest chemo, surgery, or radiation treatment. More often than not, all three.
Patients entering a hospital for treatment of disease conditions always test extremely low or are entirely depleted of vitamin C. Vitamin C is a substance critical to the proper functioning of the immune system. A healthy and robust immune system can destroy cancer at an early stage as well as retard the growth of established tumors.
Since vitamin C is non-toxic in any amounts, you have nothing to lose taking enough vitamin C to be disease free, especially from cancer. Most cancers are slow growing, so there is no need for immediate heroic intervention. Investigate options, get second opinions, try natural approaches since your body is programmed to be a healer if all essential nutrients are available and damaging chemicals and other toxins toxins are removed.
Watch this video for a sample of vitamin C’s effectiveness,
14 minute
Asked Perplexity AI about associations of Vitamin C and Cancer - March 2024
highlight - Meta-analysis: 2X decrease of many cancers when taking high-dose vitamin C
- Epidemiologic evidence suggests a protective effect of vitamin C for non-hormone-dependent cancers, with studies showing significant protection and high intake conferring approximately a twofold protective effect compared with low intake. For certain cancers, such as those of the esophagus, larynx, oral cavity, pancreas, stomach, rectum, breast, and cervix, there is strong evidence for a protective effect of vitamin C or components in fruit
- "An umbrella review of systematic reviews and meta-analyses has evaluated the relationship between vitamin C intake and the incidence and outcomes of multiple cancers. While some meta-analyses have found associations between vitamin C intake and a reduced risk of specific cancers, such as pulmonary and breast cancer, more data from ongoing clinical trials are needed to draw firmer conclusions"
Vitamin C—Sources, Physiological Role, Kinetics, Deficiency, Use, Toxicity, and Determination - Feb 2021
36 pages
 Download the PDF from VitaminDWiki
Vitamin C (L-ascorbic acid) has been known as an antioxidant for most people. However, its physiological role is much larger and encompasses very different processes ranging from facilitation of iron absorption through involvement in hormones and carnitine synthesis for important roles in epigenetic processes.
Contrarily, high doses act as a pro-oxidant than an anti-oxidant.
This may also be the reason why plasma levels are meticulously regulated on the level of absorption and excretion in the kidney. Interestingly, most cells contain vitamin C in millimolar concentrations, which is much higher than its plasma concentrations, and compared to other vitamins.
The role of vitamin C is well demonstrated by miscellaneous symptoms of its absence—scurvy. The only clinically well-documented indication for vitamin C is scurvy.
The effects of vitamin C administration on- cancer
- cardiovascular diseases, and
- infections are rather minor or even debatable in the general population.
Vitamin C is relatively safe, but caution should be given to the administration of high doses, which can cause overt side effects in some susceptible patients (e.g., oxalate renal stones). Lastly, analytical methods for its determination with advantages and pitfalls are also discussed in this review.
Neuroprotective properties of vitamin C: A Scoping Review of pre-clinical and clinical studies - Feb 2021
DOI: 10.1089/neu.2020.7443 no free PDF
There is a need for novel neuroprotective therapies. We aimed to review the evidence for exogenous vitamin C as a neuroprotective agent. MEDLINE, Embase and Cochrane library databases were searched from inception to May 2020. Pre-clinical and clinical reports evaluating vitamin C for acute neurological injury were included. Twenty-two pre-clinical and 11 clinical studies were eligible for inclusion. Pre-clinical studies included models of traumatic and hypoxic brain injury, subarachnoid and intracerebral hemorrhage and ischemic stroke. The median [IQR] maximum daily dose of vitamin C in animal studies was 120 [50-500] mg/kg. Twenty-one animal studies reported improvements in biomarkers, functional outcome or both. Clinical studies included single reports in neonatal hypoxic encephalopathy, traumatic brain injury and subarachnoid hemorrhage and eight studies in ischemic stroke. The median maximum daily dose of vitamin C was 750 [500-1000] mg, or ~10 mg/kg for an average size adult male. Apart from one case series of intra-cisternal vitamin C administration in subarachnoid hemorrhage, clinical studies reported no patient centered benefit. While pre-clinical trials suggest that exogenous vitamin C improves biomarkers of neuroprotection, functional outcome and mortality, these results have not translated to humans.
However, clinical trials used ~1/10th of the vitamin C dose of animal studies.
The Role of Vitamin C in Two Distinct Physiological States: Physical Activity and Sleep - Dec 2020
Nutrients, 20 Dec 2020, 12(12) DOI: 10.3390/nu12123908 PDF
Otocka-Kmiecik A1, Król A1This paper is a literature overview of the complex relationship between vitamin C and two opposing physiological states, physical activity and sleep. The evidence suggests a clinically important bidirectional association between these two phenomena mediated by different physiological mechanisms. With this in mind, and knowing that both states share a connection with oxidative stress, we discuss the existing body of evidence to answer the question of whether vitamin C supplementation can be beneficial in the context of sleep health and key aspects of physical activity, such as performance, metabolic changes, and antioxidant function.
We analyze the effect of ascorbic acid on the main sleep components, sleep duration and quality, focusing on the most common disorders: insomnia, obstructive sleep apnea, and restless legs syndrome. Deeper understanding of those interactions has implications for both public health and clinical practice.
Mortality in septic patients treated with vitamin C: a systematic meta-analysis Jan 2021
Critical Care (London, England), 05 Jan 2021, 25(1):17 DOI: 10.1186/s13054-020-03438-9 PDF
Scholz SS1, Borgstedt R1, Ebeling N1, Menzel LC2, Jansen G1, Rehberg S1Background
Supplementation of vitamin C in septic patients remains controversial despite eight large clinical trials published only in 2020. We aimed to evaluate the evidence on potential effects of vitamin C treatment on mortality in adult septic patients.Methods
Data search included PubMed, Web of Science, and the Cochrane Library. A meta-analysis of eligible peer-reviewed studies was performed in accordance with the PRISMA statement. Only studies with valid classifications of sepsis and intravenous vitamin C treatment (alone or combined with hydrocortisone/thiamine) were included.Results
A total of 17 studies including 3133 patients fulfilled the predefined criteria and were analyzed. Pooled analysis indicated no mortality reduction in patients treated with vitamin C when compared to reference (risk difference - 0.05 [95% CI - 0.11 to - 0.01]; p = 0.08; p for Cochran Q = 0.002; I2 = 56%). Notably, subgroup analyses revealed an improved survival, if vitamin C treatment was applied for 3-4 days (risk difference, - 0.10 [95% CI - 0.19 to - 0.02]; p = 0.02) when compared to patients treated for 1-2 or > 5 days. Also, timing of the pooled mortality assessment indicated a reduction concerning short-term mortality (< 30 days; risk difference, - 0.08 [95% CI - 0.15 to - 0.01]; p = 0.02; p for Cochran Q = 0.02; I2 = 63%). Presence of statistical heterogeneity was noted with no sign of significant publication bias.Conclusion
Although vitamin C administration did not reduce pooled mortality, patients may profit if vitamin C is administered over 3 to 4 days. Consequently, further research is needed to identify patient subgroups that might benefit from intravenous supplementation of vitamin C.
Vitamin C and Immune Function - Nov 2017
Nutrients 2017, 9(11), 1211; PDF
Vitamin C is an essential micronutrient for humans, with pleiotropic functions related to its ability to donate electrons. It is a potent antioxidant and a cofactor for a family of biosynthetic and gene regulatory enzymes. Vitamin C contributes to immune defense by supporting various cellular functions of both the innate and adaptive immune system. Vitamin C supports epithelial barrier function against pathogens and promotes the oxidant scavenging activity of the skin, thereby potentially protecting against environmental oxidative stress. Vitamin C accumulates in phagocytic cells, such as neutrophils, and can enhance chemotaxis, phagocytosis, generation of reactive oxygen species, and ultimately microbial killing. It is also needed for apoptosis and clearance of the spent neutrophils from sites of infection by macrophages, thereby decreasing necrosis/NETosis and potential tissue damage. The role of vitamin C in lymphocytes is less clear, but it has been shown to enhance differentiation and proliferation of B- and T-cells, likely due to its gene regulating effects. Vitamin C deficiency results in impaired immunity and higher susceptibility to infections. In turn, infections significantly impact on vitamin C levels due to enhanced inflammation and metabolic requirements. Furthermore, supplementation with vitamin C appears to be able to both prevent and treat respiratory and systemic infections. Prophylactic prevention of infection requires dietary vitamin C intakes that provide at least adequate, if not saturating plasma levels (i.e., 100–200 mg/day), which optimize cell and tissue levels. In contrast, treatment of established infections requires significantly higher (gram) doses of the vitamin to compensate for the increased inflammatory response and metabolic demand.
Special issue on Vitamin C in Nutrients - 2017 (15 studies)
URL for Special Issue FREE PDFs
- Inadequate Vitamin C Status in Prediabetes and Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus: Associations with Glycaemic Control, Obesity, and Smoking
- Vitamin C Intake is Inversely Associated with Cardiovascular Mortality in a Cohort of Spanish Graduates: the SUN Project
- Vitamin C Status Correlates with Markers of Metabolic and Cognitive Health in 50-Year-Olds: Findings of the CHALICE Cohort Study
- Vitamin C Depletion and All-Cause Mortality in Renal Transplant Recipients
- Emerging Evidence on Neutrophil Motility Supporting Its Usefulness to Define Vitamin C Intake Requirements
- Poor Vitamin C Status Late in Pregnancy Is Associated with Increased Risk of Complications in Type 1 Diabetic Women: A Cross-Sectional Study
- Vitamin C and Immune Function
- Vitamin C Status and Cognitive Function: A Systematic Review
- The Roles of Vitamin C in Skin Health
- Protective Role for Antioxidants in Acute Kidney Disease
- Vitamin C, Aging and Alzheimer’s Disease
- Does Vitamin C Influence Neurodegenerative Diseases and Psychiatric Disorders?
- Vitamin C and Infections
Vitamin C consumption has decreased
Trends in Vitamin C Consumption in the United States:1999–2018 PDF
Vitamin C books (have not looked at them)
- Vitamin C: The Real Story, the Remarkable and Controversial Healing Factor Paperback – Oct, 2015 Andrew W. Saul Amazon Kindle $10
- Vitamin D Vitamin C Iodine: Why more is better - Oct 2022 Free Kindle unlimited
- Vitamin C: New Biochemical and Functional Insights 255 pages Amazon rent . for $14, published 2020?
- Vitamin C in Human Health and Disease: Effects, Mechanisms of Action, and New Guidance on Intake 2019 Amazon Rent $37 published 2019
- Curing the Incurable: Vitamin C, Infectious Diseases, and Toxins.Thomas E. Levy, 4th edition 2011 Amazon 406 pages $19
The Ultimate Vitamin C Crash Course - Collagen, Hormones, Chemistry & More - video Aug 2019
YouTube 67 minutes have not looked at it
Vitamin C Is Important For:
Dopamine (Tyrosine) MAO
Serotonin (Tryptophan)
Collagen (Glycine/Proline)
Carnitine (Keto)
Bile Acids
Nitric Oxide
Regulates Cholesterol
Regulates Immune Response
Symptoms of Vitamin C Deficiency
Bleeding gums
Slow healing
Varicose vein formation
Muscle and tendon degeneration
Recurring infections
Heavy Metal Toxicity (Lead, Arsenic, Cadmium)
Disease Linked to Vitamin C Deficiency
High Blood Pressure
Bone Loss
Diabetes type II
Causes of Vitamin C Deficiency
Poor Diet
Pain Medications
Heavy metal toxicity
Mold toxicity
Petroleum exposure
Carbon monoxide exposure
Organ Storage of Vitamin C
Adrenal Glands
Vitamin C category is associated with: Virus 25, Zinc 20, Magnesium, 11, Vitamin K 9, Vitamin A 8, Resveratrol 8, Supplement 7, Vitamin B12 7, Boron, 6, Omega-3 6, Calcium 6, Iron 4, Iodine 4, Curcumin 4
There have been
7270 visits to this page This page is in the following categories (# of items in each category)Attached files
ID Name Uploaded Size Downloads 15038 Vitamin C and Immune Function.pdf admin 13 Feb, 2021 986.18 Kb 454 15037 Mortality in septic patients.pdf admin 13 Feb, 2021 1.72 Mb 502 15036 The Role of Vitamin C in Two Distinct Physiological States - Physical Activity and Sleep.pdf admin 13 Feb, 2021 418.76 Kb 602 15035 Trends Vit C.jpg admin 13 Feb, 2021 100.01 Kb 912 15034 Trends in Vitamin C Consumption in the United States 1999-2018.pdf admin 13 Feb, 2021 2.53 Mb 558 15033 Vitamin C—Sources, Physiological Role, Kinetics, Deficiency, Use, Toxicity, and Determination.pdf admin 13 Feb, 2021 910.09 Kb 933 15032 Overview of the possible role of vitamin C in management of COVID-19.pdf admin 13 Feb, 2021 765.41 Kb 461 15031 Vit C and COVID-19.pdf admin 13 Feb, 2021 372.70 Kb 396 - wiki page:
- VitaminDWiki -