A Review of the Evidence Supporting the Vitamin D-Cancer Prevention Hypothesis in 2017
Anticancer Research February 2018 vol. 38 no. 2 1121-1136
Update ofthe study on this page Breast, Prostate and Colon Cancers are still strongly associated with low Vitamin D – Grant Jan 2020
- Vitamin D and Cancer Mortality – review Jan 2013
- Cancer survival 4 percent more likely with just a little more vitamin D (4 ng) - meta-analysis July 2014
- Vitamin D and Prevention of Cancer — Is it ready for Prime Time – March 2011
- The Anti-cancer Actions of Vitamin D – Jan 2013
- Solar UVB reduces Cancer Risk – Grant, Jan 2013
- Ethical challenge – giving vitamin D to only half of Cancer (etc) patients – Jan 2017
- Cancer risk in older women reduced 32 percent by 2,000 IU of Vitamin D plus Calcium – 4 year RCT Oct 2016
- Obesity linked to 13 cancers, the linkage is probably vitamin D – Aug 2016
- If you were born after 1960 your risk of getting cancer is 1 in 2 if you do not get a lot of vitamin D
- 'Cancer Screening Has Never Saved Lives' (but Vitamin D supplementation does) - Jan 2016
- Vitamin D does not improve cancer survival much – when dose size, etc. is ignored – Oct 2015
- Both Vitamin D and Vitamin C fight cancers and aid anticancer drugs – May 2018
Cancer category starts with the following
- Cancer
298 items Overview Cancer and vitamin D - Cancer and Vitamin D - many studies
- After Cancer Diagnosis
116 items - Bladder Cancer
28 items - Breast Cancer
260 items Overview Breast Cancer and Vitamin D - Colon Cancer
146 items Overview Cancer-Colon and vitamin D - Leukemia
19 items - Liver Cancer
17 items - Lung Cancer
55 items Overview Lung cancer and vitamin D - Lymphoma Cancer
26 items - Other Cancer
66 items - Ovarian Cancer
26 items - Pancreatic Cancer
58 items - Prostate Cancer
105 items Overview Prostate Cancer and Vitamin D - Skin Cancer
121 items Overview Suntan, melanoma and vitamin D - Childhood Cancers - Vitamin D can help - many studies
- Easiest way to treat cancer – take Vitamin D – Nov 2022
- 13 Cancers are helped by Vitamin D – Biobank July 2023
- 2X increase of 14 cancers in non-seniors in 20 years (low vitamin D) – Sept 2022
- Vitamin D prevents and treats cancer in many ways – May 2021
- Those with recent cancer diagnosis had 7X increased risk of COVID-19 (more if A-A )- Dec 2020
- Deaths from many types of Cancer associated with low vitamin D- review of meta-analyses Sept 2020
- Cancer incidence and mortality is decreased if 40-60 ng of Vitamin D – April 2019
- 8 ways that Cancer might be prevented by Vitamin D - June 2019
- Cancer stem cells and Vitamin D - many studies
- Vitamin D Reduces Cancer Risk - Why Scientists Accept It but Physicians Do Not - Feb 2019
- Overview of Vitamin D Actions in Cancer – 31 page chapter in a book – 2018
- Vitamin D prevents breast cancer, reduces BC mortality, and reduces BC chemotherapy problems – Sept 2018
- Diagnosed with breast cancer – take vitamin D to cut chance of death by half – July 2018
- Melanoma 25 X more likely if low vitamin D – Feb 2018
- Better Cancer survival if higher vitamin D a decade earlier (esp. Melanoma, Kidney, Prostate)– Aug 2018
 Download the PDF from VitaminDWiki
Sunlight, Nutrition, and Health Research Center, San Francisco, CA, U.S.A.
Correspondence to: William B. Grant, Sunlight, Nutrition and Health Research Center, PO Box 641603, San Francisco, CA 94164-1603, U.S.A. Tel: +1 4154091980, e-mail: wbgrant at infionline.netThe vitamin D–cancer prevention hypothesis has been evaluated through several types of studies, including geographical ecological studies related to indices of solar ultraviolet-B (UVB) dose (the primary source of vitamin D for most people), observational studies related to UVB exposure or serum 25-hydroxyvitamin D [25(OH)D] concentrations, laboratory studies of mechanisms, and clinical trials. Each approach has strengths and limitations. Ecological studies indirectly measure vitamin D production and incorporate the assumption that vitamin D mediates the effect of UVB exposure. Findings from observational studies with long follow-up times are affected by changing 25(OH)D concentrations over time. Most clinical trials have been poorly designed and conducted, based largely on guidelines for pharmaceutical drugs rather than on nutrients. However, three clinical trials do support the hypothesis. In general, the totality of the evidence, as evaluated using Hill's criteria for causality in a biological system, supports the vitamin D–cancer prevention hypothesis.
Evidence that Vitamin D prevents Cancer – Grant Feb 20189031 visitors, last modified 01 Jan, 2020, This page is in the following categories (# of items in each category)Attached files
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