
FDA declared Vitamin D as Generally Recognized as Safe (GRAS) - Jan 2023

Food Additives Permitted for Direct Addition to Food for Human Consumption; Vitamin D3

Federal Register

  • "To ensure that vitamin D is not added to the U.S. food supply at levels that could raise safety concerns, FDA affirmed vitamin D as generally recognized as safe (GRAS) with specific limitations as listed in § 184.1950 (21 CFR 184.1950). Under § 184.1(b)(2) (21 CFR 184.1(b)(2)), an ingredient affirmed as GRAS with specific limitations may be used in food only within such limitations, including the category of food, functional use of the ingredient, and level of use. Any addition of vitamin D to food beyond those limitations set out in § 184.1950 requires a food additive regulation."
IU maxAge
1,000 IU0 - 6 months
1,500 IU 6 - 12 months
2,500 IU 1 - 3 years
3,000 IU 4 - 8 years
4,000 IU> 8 years

Appears to be no change in 13 years, even though they admitted that they had made a math error
Vitamin D math mistake had been made, adults need at least 8000 IU – July 2017

 Download the Federal Register PDF

VitaminDWiki - FDA allows 2 specific Vitamin D and 2 Omega-3 health claims - 2019

VitaminDWiki - FDA allows the claim that Vitamin D “supports healthy pregnancies and promotes full-term births” – Oct 2019

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