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Large Vitamin D loading doses recomended (Italy, goal 40-60 ng) - 2011

Guidelines on prevention and treatment of vitamin D deficiency

Linee guida su prevenzione e trattamento dell’ipovitaminosi D con colecalciferolo

S. Adami1, E. Romagnoli 2, V. Carnevale2, A. Scillitani3, A. Giusti4, M. Rossini1,
D. Gatti1, R. Nuti5, S. Minisola2
1Unità di Reumatologia, Dipartimento di Medicina, Università di Verona; 2Dipartimento di Medicina,
Università La Sapienza, Roma; 3Unità di Endocrinologia, Ospedale S. Giovanni Rotondo, Foggia;
4Ospedale Galliera, Genova, Italia; 5Dipartimento di Medicina, Università degli Studi di Siena

The Italian Society for Osteoporosis, Mineral Metabolism and Bone Diseases (SIOMMMS) has elaborated
the following guidelines about the definition, prevention and treatment of inadequate vitamin D status. The
highlights are presented here.
• Daily vitamin D allowance ranges from 1,500 IU (healthy adults) to 2,300 IU (elderly with low calcium
intake). Since the average Italian diet includes around 300 IU/day, subjects with no effective sun exposure
should be supplemented with 1,200-2,000 IU vitamin D per day.
• The serum 25-hydroxy-vitamin D [25(OH)D] levels represents the most accurate way to assess vitamin D
repletion, even though there are still no standardized assay methods.
• Conditions of “deficiency” and “insufficiency” are defined by the following ranges of 25(OH)D levels: less
than 20 ng/ml and 20-30 ng/ml, respectively.
• In Italy, approximately 50% of young healthy subjects have vitamin D insufficiency during the winter months.
The prevalence of deficiency increases with ageing, affecting almost all elderly subjects not on vitamin D
When a condition of deficiency has been identified, a cumulative dose of 300,000-1,000,000 IU, over 1-4 weeks is recommended.
• In subjects recently treated for deficiency-insufficiency, a maintenance dose of 800-2,000 IU/day (or weekly
equivalent) is recommended. In patients on daily doses over 1,000 IU, 25(OH)D levels should be checked
regularly (e.g. once every two years).
• The highest tolerated daily dose has been identified as 4,000 IU/day.
• Vitamin D supplementation should be carefully monitored in patients at higher risk of vitamin D intoxication
(granulomatosis) or with primary hyperparathyroidism.
• In pregnant women, vitamin D supplements should be given as in non-pregnant women, but bolus administration (i.e.: single dose >25,000 IU) should be avoided.
 Download the Italian PDF from VitaminDWiki

 Download the English (Google Translation) PDF from VitaminDWiki

VitaminDWiki – Loading Dose of Vitamin D category contains

206 items in category
see also Overview Loading of vitamin D   Overview Toxicity of vitamin D
Better than Daily 1: Fewer chances to forget, 2) Gets past receptor barrier
Injection category has 63 items
It appears that over 1 million Vitamin D loading doses have been taken
Doses ranged from 100,000 to 600,000 IU over a period of a day to a month
No reports of serious adverse reactions
Many studies report on the benefits resulting from loading doses

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