

Multiple select
  ID T Name Size Created / Uploaded Hits
1856 Possibly reduce TB by vitamin D assisted autophagy - April 2011.pdf
no wikipage
417.44 KB 12 May, 2011 3529
1646 TB white vs black - 1990
very early paper
1.00 MB 08 Jan, 2011 1847
1378 Infection TB and vitamin D - unsure 2010
130.22 KB 12 Aug, 2010 1955
1352 TB doubled in 20 years - Wikipedia
12.94 KB 09 Aug, 2010 1909
1351 Vitamin D RCT found reduction of TB - 2007
451.13 KB 09 Aug, 2010 1799
1350 TB and vitamin D review and meta-analysis - 2008
168.71 KB 09 Aug, 2010 2216
1325 TB asssocated with low level of vitamin D - May 2010
Also in Wiki page of the same name
178.97 KB 29 Jul, 2010 1573
1185 TB for people with HIV - Garfein 2010
Mexico 14 pages
190.16 KB 14 Jun, 2010 2257
969 5X less likely to get TB when have high level of vitamin D
May 2010, Pakistan, for people who had been in contact with RB
152.73 KB 25 Apr, 2010 1115
949 Vitamin D and Control of Infectious Diseases
TB Chronic and infect disease by White 2009 Grassroots
1.44 MB 13 Apr, 2010 3138