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  1. 5000 IU Vitamin D not quickly change cognition in young adults - Nov 2011.pdf
  2. .The Role of Vitamin D in Alzheimer's disease – May 2023
  3. "Senior moment" 25X more likely with low vitamin D - Feb 2012
  4. 2,000 IU of vitamin D reduced schizophrenia chance by 77 percent (male infants) - 2004
  5. 2.3 X more poor Neurodevelopment in infant if COVID late in pregnancy – June 2022
  6. 2X better attention and working memory if high vitamin D among seniors living in communities – April 2015
  7. 2X higher risk of Alzheimer’s if poor Vitamin D Receptor – Meta-analysis June 2021
  8. 33 percent more white matter abnormality in brain (periventricular WMA) if low vitamin D – July 2014
  9. 400 IU vitamin D was not enough to stop cognitive impairment - Nov 2012
  10. 5 Traumatic brain injuries resulted in 2.8 X increased risk of dementia – April 2018
  11. 5X fewer hip fractures from Parkinson – Alzheimer – Stroke with enough sun – June 2011
  12. 8 genes associated with both Alzheimer’s and lowish Vitamin D – May 2019
  13. 80 year olds had better cognition and stood better if high level of vitamin D – Sept 2012
  14. 9,000 dollar prize for RCT which found cognition improved after taking 4,000 IU of Vitamin D for 18 weeks – May 2018
  15. 91 percent of psychiatric hospital admissions had less than 20 ng of vitamin D – May 2018
  16. A Concussion-Free Football Season: How one High School beat the odds - July 2012
  17. Adding Vitamin D, Omega-3, etc to children’s milk improved memory (yet again) – RCT June 2018
  18. ADHD, Autism, Early Psychosis and Omega-3 – review Dec 2017
  19. Adults with intellectual disabilities under psychiatric care have low levels of vitamin D – Sept 2014
  20. African Americans are more likely than whites to develop Alzheimer’s (Vitamin D)
  21. Age-adjusted dementia may be declining – NEJM Dec 2013
  22. Age-related cognitive decline in rats mitigated by Vitamin D intervention – RCT Oct 2012
  23. ALL of the top 10 health problems of women are associated with low vitamin D
  24. All pregnant women (in UK) should have free vitamin D – Gillie Aug 2015
  25. Alzheimer disease 5X less likely with nonmelanoma skin cancer (lots of vitamin D) – May 2013
  26. Alzheimer disease associated with 2.5 ng less vitamin D – meta-analysis Sept 2012
  27. Alzheimer plaque possibly cleared by Vitamin D – Nov 2017
  28. Alzheimer risk reduced by combination of memantine and vitamin D (patented) – Jan 2014
  29. Alzheimer's 3X higher risk in countries with high meat consumption - 2016
  30. Alzheimer's 40 percent less likely if leafy veggie diet - March 2023
  31. Alzheimer's 9X more likely in women with a poor Vitamin D receptor – Sept 2022
  32. Alzheimer's disease – less risk if smarter, higher vitamin D, better genes or less coffee – Dec 2017
  33. Alzheimer's disease 1.8 X higher risk if poor Vitamin D Receptor (if not take action) - May 2022
  34. Alzheimer's disease 30 percent more likely in the 30 years after a low vitamin D test – July 2013
  35. Alzheimer's Disease more likely with low vitamin D – meta-analysis Oct 2012
  36. Alzheimer's disease most likely will need more than monotherapy such as vitamin D – May 2013
  37. Alzheimer's probability decreased 77 percent with just 51 IU more vitamin D daily – April 2012
  38. Alzheimer's risk increased 7 percent for every 4 ng decrease in Vitamin D– meta-analysis Nov 2018
  39. Alzheimer’s (1.2X) and Parkenson’s (1.3X) more likely if poor Vitamin D Receptor – meta-analysis March 2019
  40. Alzheimer’s (apoE4) may require more than Omega-3 - May 2017
  41. Alzheimer’s 1.6X more likely if vitamin D is less than 25 ng – meta-analysis July 2023
  42. Alzheimer’s 4X less likely with high level of vitamin D – 2 studies April 2012
  43. Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s diseases associated with low vitamin D – meta-analysis June 2013
  44. Alzheimer’s and Vitamins D, B, C, E, as well as Omega-3, metals, etc. – June 2013
  45. Alzheimer’s associated with low sun and low vitamin D – Sept 2018
  46. Alzheimer’s associated with Vitamin D and Vitamin D receptor – video and pdf – Aug 2018
  47. Alzheimer’s cognitive decline is 3X faster if low vitamin D – May 2017
  48. Alzheimer’s delayed 4.7 years by high Omega-3 index (7.6 years if also have APOE-4) June - 2022
  49. Alzheimer’s Dementia 2.3X more likely in elderly if low vitamin D – Dec 2022
  50. Alzheimer’s disease 21 percent more likely if low vitamin D – meta-analysis Aug 2015

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