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  1. Cholesterol and African Americans
  2. 1000 IU vit D reduces cardiovascular risk but Calcium does not
  3. Even 1000 IU Vit D may reduce risk of CVD
  4. Unsure about vit D and CVD
  5. Need at least 43 ng and 2000 IU vit D to reduce CVD risk
  6. Treating Vitamin D Deficiency Significantly Reduces Heart Disease Risk
  7. Vitamin D deficiency and myocardial diseases
  8. IOM Table 1 Vit D primary studies
  9. IOM Table 2 Primary Calcium studies
  10. IOM Table 3 primary Vit D and Calcium studies
  11. IOM table 9 vit D and cardiovascular RCT
  12. IOM table of contents and list of tables
  13. An estimate of the economic burden and premature deaths due to vitamin D deficiency in Canada
  14. Vitamin D deficiency and myocardial diseases
  15. The virtues of vitamin D—but how much is too much
  16. The virtues of vitamin D—but how much is too much?
  17. Vitamin D, Adiposity, and Calcified Atherosclerotic Plaque in African-Americans
  18. Lack of vitamin D may cause CVD - poster may 2010
  19. Blood pressure reduce by Vit D Heaney May 2010
  20. Does Vitamin D Deficiency Cause Hypertension?
  21. Chart summarizing clinical trials of CVD and vitamin D 2009
  22. Proof that vitamin D is needed: BISCHOFF April-2010
  23. Review of vitamin D and CVD prevention - June 2010
  24. Table of Vitamin D and CVD 2010
  25. Paradoxical Relationship Vitamin D3 and blood pressure - abstract June 2010
  26. Single dose 100000 or 200000 IU vitamin D helped some aspects of diabetes – June 2010
  27. Cardiovascular meta-analysis of vitamin D is very promising- Aug 2010
  28. cardio prevention with vitamin D might need more than 5000 IU- review 2010
  29. Systolic pressure reduced by small doses of vitamin D - metaanalysis 2010
  30. Vitamin D and Vitamin K for bones and heart - LEF Sept 2010
  31. vitamin D role in cardiovascular health - Sept 2010
  32. Review of Vitamin D and Cardiovascular Disease - April 2010
  33. Calcium without vitamin D increases heart attack - BMJ July 2010
  34. Breath better after Heart Failure if have enough vitamin D - Dec 2010
  35. Vitamin D role in Peripheral artery disease - Nov 2010.pdf
  36. Vitamin D important for cardiovascular health - Sept 2010.pdf
  37. Letter response mayo PAD Nov 2010.PDF
  38. crosstalk heart and kidney - July 2010.pdf
  39. Less than 15ng were 3X more likely to be hypertensive - 2010.pdf
  40. Vitamin D and heart - need large scale clinical trials - Dec 2010.PDF
  41. blood pressure- cholesterol - diabetes venn diagram
  42. 30 ng perhaps best for cardio - graphs from many countires - 2011.pdf
  43. Vitamin-d-status-and-peripheral-arterial-disease--evidence- Nov 2011.pdf
  44. 22b-Grant+Abu+Dhabi+CVD.pdf
  45. 1.3X higher risk of severe Cardiovascular and Cerebrovascular problems if low Vitamin D (50 million people) – Dec 2020
  46. 1.7 X less risk of Heart Failure death if previously had taken any amount of vitamin D - Jan 2022
  47. 1000 IU vitamin D did not reduce cardiovascular risk factors – Aug 2012
  48. 1000 IU vitamin D might prevent cardiovascular events – March 2010
  49. 100000 IU vitamin D did not help Peripheral Arerial Disease in one month – July 2012
  50. 11 ng less vitamin D increases hypertension probability by 14 percent – Nov 2010

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