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  1. Click on the category name to display the list of objects in that category.
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Object list result
Select objects to change categorization:
  1. MS vs Latitude
  2. Reduce prob of MS by half
  3. MS decrease by number of hours in the sun
  4. Vitamin D regulates MS gene
  5. multiple sclerosis in twins
  6. Vit D and autoimmune
  7. Veith 2009 MS subset
  8. Vit D evidence mountain for MS
  9. New hypotheses on sunlight
  10. Prevalence of multiple sclerosis in Denmark 1950–2005
  11. MS in US in WWII vs latitude
  12. Rheumatoid Arthritis vs latitude Nurses Study
  13. An estimate of the economic burden and premature deaths due to vitamin D deficiency in Canada
  14. MS increased if low UV during first trimester -April 2010
  15. Vitamin D and Immune system after 30 years - June 2010
  16. Vitamin D and Immune system – May 2010
  17. Review of vitamin D preventing MS - Lancet June 2010
  18. MS association with latitude has virtually been eliminated- Lancet chart June 2010
  19. The Causal Cascade to Multiple Sclerosis: A Model for MS Pathogenesis
  20. MS Latitude correlation - Garland smile graph
  21. MS mountain of evidence
  22. Role of vitamin D with ms - 2010
  23. Ways to reduce reoccurance of MS - May 2010
  24. T cells MS and vitamin D - Aug 2009
  25. Lack of UV increased offsping MS - April 2010
  26. MS and vitamin D may be associated by HLA gene - 2009
  27. MS and vitamin D review - July 2010
  28. Assesment of evidence for vitamin D and MS - 2010
  29. MS vs vitamin D summary of studies - clinical 2009
  30. MS and vitamin D - clinical implications 2009
  31. UV vitamin D and MS - letter 2010
  32. MS trust vitamin D factsheet - text Feb 2010
  33. MS treated safely with 40000 IU daily for 5 weeks - 2007
  34. Dissertation UV vitamin D and MS - 2010
  35. Low vitamin D a risk factor for MS - Oct 2010
  36. Vitamin D is hot in MS research - Feb 2011
  37. widespread MS - 2011.PDF
  38. dissertation UV and MS - 2010.PDF
  39. MS relapse rate reduced with vitamin D - Nov 2010.pdf
  40. Main MS variables UV and latitude - Jan 2011.pdf
  41. vitamin D factsheet MS trust Feb 2010.pdf
  42. Preventing MS - Grant July 2010.pdf
  43. Is low vitamin D a factor for MS - 2010.pdf
  44. Vitamin D Multiple Sclerosis- 2009.pdf
  45. Epstein-Bar, MS and Vitamin D - 2011.pdf
  46. 10 Diseases associated with Multiple Sclerosis are also associated with low Omega-3 and vitamin D – Feb 2016
  47. 10,000 IU vitamin D plus Calcium trial for those with MS - April 2010
  48. 1000 IU per kg Vitamin D for autoimmune diseases – Coimbra Aug 2013
  49. 20000 IU vitamin D and MS – less fatigue and relapse Dec 2010
  50. 2800 IU vitamin D daily did not decrease bone loss for those with MS – March 2011

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