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  1. 10,000 IU per kilogram for Rickets in Qatar
  2. Rickets and vit D in Denmark
  3. Vit D Deficiency global perspective
  4. Rickets and vitamin D
  5. Cochrane review finds that Vitamin D helps rickets
  6. Rickets worldwide Prentice
  7. Lack of vitamin D in infants can result in broken bones and shaken baby syndrome
  8. Nigerian Children with rickets -1999 test of Ca w/wo vit D
  9. Type 1 rickets - vitamin D - gene mutation - April 2011 .pdf
  10. Rickets
  11. 1 in 18 kids in the Ancient Roman Empire had rickets (low Vitamin D) – Aug 2018
  12. 16% of exclusively breastfed infants so low on vitamin D that they had rickets – June 2010
  13. 400 IU vitamin D appeared to prevent infant rickets in Turkey – June 2011
  14. 400 IU vitamin D for infants and 2000 IU during pregnancy if high risk – June 2010
  15. 744 IU vitamin D needed by Northern white teens to prevent Rickets – Jan 2011
  16. Adult osteomalacia (rickets) pain in an individual relieved by vitamin D, etc. – May 2013
  17. Alaska recommends more vitamin D: Infancy 800 IU, Pregnancy 1400 IU (avoid rickets) Sept 2018
  18. Almost all newborns in India have less than 20 ng of vitamin D – Nov 2012
  19. Biochemical rickets non-existent if breastfeeding mother got 600,000 IU of vitamin D (3 dollars) – RCT Dec 2017
  20. Black Sudanese children 350X more likely to have rickets than other Australians – April 2012
  21. Bones can activate vitamin D – July 2013
  22. Calcium reduced some rickets in Nigerian children – Feb 2012
  23. Child abuse, vitamin D deficiency, or what - for parents and defense attorneys - Cannell June 2015
  24. Child bone conference: many vitamin D and ricket abstracts – June 2013
  25. Children with pneumonia in Ethiopia were 22X more likely to have rickets – 1997
  26. CYP2R1 mutations also cause vitamin D-deficient rickets – July 2016
  27. Dark Skinned babies probably need vitamin D to prevent nutritional rickets - 2001
  28. Dickensian diseases are returning – rickets, gout, whooping cough, TB, etc. (low vitamin D)
  29. Evaluating the vitamin D evidence - Heaney Dec 2010
  30. Further look at vitamin D dependent rickets and gene mutations – Feb 2011
  31. Giving vitamin D to ALL children reduced (rickets) symptoms by 60 percent – Aug 2012
  32. Group is giving only 200 IU of Vitamin D to 70 million women and children to prevent Rickets
  33. History of rickets and sunshine in a bottle then vitamin D – Jan 2012
  34. Hypovitaminosis D in the Middle East and North Africa - May 2013
  35. I Believed in Shaken Baby Syndrome until Science Showed I was Wrong (low Vitamin D) - March 2018
  36. Infant positional skull deformation 7X more frequent if less than 400 IU of vitamin D – Nov 2014
  37. Infant Shudders, Shivers, Jitteriness etc can be early signs of low Vitamin D - Jan 2017
  38. Infants in Montreal at risk of rickets – telephone survey June 2010
  39. Infants need 400 IU of vitamin D to prevent rickets – meta-analysis Feb 2019
  40. Lack of vitamin D in infants can result in broken bones and shaken baby syndrome - March 2010
  41. Largest cause of infant deaths is respiratory infections, which is associated with low vitamin D – April 2011
  42. Low Vitamin D in Mongolia, supplementing would save lives (20 percent have rickets) – Oct 2019
  43. Magnesium in Healthcare (Rickets, Stones, Pregnancy, Depression, etc.) with level of evidence – Sept 2017
  44. Majority of Medici in 1600's who died in infancy had rickets - 2013
  45. Maternal vitamin D deficiency can trigger rickets in breastfed infants – review March 2013
  46. Mongolian women have the lowest levels of vitamin D in the world – Sept 2013
  47. Mother and father on trial for infant death – set free – death was due to rickets – Dec 2011
  48. Nutritional Rickets associated with vitamin D levels less than 19 or perhaps 26 ng – April 2021
  49. Nutritional Rickets in Denmark especially among immigrant children- Feb 2012
  50. Nutritional rickets. In Turkey – 2010

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