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  1. Vitamin D blood level drop a lot in a decade
  2. hypovitaminosis 15 year old girls 2006
  3. Vitamin D Deficiency in Saudi Arabia
  4. Vitamin D Deficiency in a Subacute Care Setting
  5. Vitamin D Deficiency Colgan
  6. Vitamin D ng vs disease1 -Garland 2009
  7. garland ng vs disease2
  8. Vitamin D Deficiency Affects Billion Plus – Are You One Of Them
  9. A single gene may determine vitamin D dose response
  10. Vit D Deficiency not vary with latitude for non Caucasian
  11. Disease vs level of Vitamin D in blood Garland
  12. IoM Vitamin D and Calcium Systematic Review of Health Outcomes July 2009
  13. IOM table 9 vit D and cardiovascular RCT
  14. U-of-Toronto-blood-levels
  15. Summary of studies of Vitamin D blood levels and risk of diseases
  16. Sun exposure and vitamin D sufficiency
  17. Free ebook on vitamin D Deficiencies
  18. IoM Report made for them on Vit D and Calcium July 2009
  19. Addressing vitamin D deficiency in Canada
  20. An estimate of the economic burden and premature deaths due to vitamin D deficiency in Canada
  21. Benefits of vitamin D for Germany - recommends 4000 IU for various groups, 10,000 IU safe
  22. Evidence of lack of vitamin D and Calcium causes chronic disease
  23. Economic burden of premature deaths due to vitamin D deficiency in Canada
  24. Global vitamin D levels - change with latitude only for Caucasians
  25. Teens in Southern US need vitamin D
  26. Turks, Indians etc low vitamin D levels in both Europe and native countries - May 2010
  27. Vitamin D deficiency in Turkey - table 2010
  28. Vit D (4 to 21 ng/ml) and chronic pain in ethnic minorities
  29. NHANES 2006 vit D histogram centered on 22 ng/ml
  30. Only 35% of Canadians have more than 30 ng - March 2010
  31. Septic patients have even lower level of vit D than trauma patients in ICU
  32. vit D deficiency in India not correlated to number of symptoms - 2010
  33. Large decrase in vitamin D in 10 years - 2009
  34. Trends in vitamin D in the US - June 2010
  35. Vitamin D Call to Action - Europe March 2010
  36. Little increase in vitamin D levels with season in Brazil for women and elderly in Brazil– July 2010
  37. Not close to getting even 2 hours per week of sun in UK - July 2010
  38. Ontario evidence based analysis - Feb 2010
  39. Ontario evidence based analysis - update June 2010
  40. Ontario guidelines for vitamin D testing - June 2010
  41. Hypovitaminosis of UK adults - 2008
  42. Males with more than RDA - CDC Aug 2010
  43. Females with more than RDA - CDC Aug 2010 - GIF
  44. Deficiency definitions have strong impact - CDC Aug 2010 - GIF
  45. Fructose consumption over 30 years - 2009
  46. Increased ozone probably decreases vitamin D – 2008
  47. 400 IU Vitamin D was not enough for submariners - 2005
  48. Elderly Irish need more vitamin D - sometimes injection Aug 2010
  49. Association found between sun protection and T2 diabetes - July 2010
  50. mental health 1

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