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  1. Click on the category name to display the list of objects in that category.
  2. Select the objects to affect. Controls will appear in the category browser.
  3. Use the plus and minus signs to add or remove the categories on selected objects.

Object list result
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  1. The influence of smoking on vitamin D status and calcium metabolism - 1999
  2. D causes and consequences - Holick Feb 2011.gif
  3. cod liver oil and vitamin A rebutal by Linday -June 2010
  4. Response to 1000 to 10000 of vitamin D3
  5. Vitamin D Binding Protein and Monocyte Response - Jan 2012 .pdf
  6. Glossmann - 2011.pdf
  7. 20 IU of vitamin D did not reduce diabetes – Feb 2012
  8. A Vitamin D lable that FDA would not approve
  9. After learning they were vitamin D deficient, only 8 percent normalized – April 2012
  10. Are microbs – probiotics – vitamin D – allergy – asthma – obesity related – Mar 2011
  11. Big pharma is making money on drugs to treat vitamin D deficiency – March 2012
  12. Clinical trial stopped when vitamin D was doing much better than the commercial drug – Nov 2011
  13. Drugs you could take instead of vitamin D – Davis Aug 2011
  14. FAO and WHO are requesting information on vitamin D etc by Aug 15 2011
  15. Higher vitamin D levels associated with lower death rates only for non-smokers – Feb 2010
  16. History of Google searches for vitamin D
  17. History of rickets and sunshine in a bottle then vitamin D – Jan 2012
  18. History of vitamin D – Nov 2012
  19. Hypothesis – Receptor activation more important than vitamin D levels – June 2011
  20. Hypothesis of relationship between lactose and sunshine and vitamin D May 2010
  21. Hypothesis: bags under eyes are due to lack of vitamin D and vitamin K- Dec 2011
  22. Hypothesis: Reyes Syndrome not due to aspirin directly but vitamin C and vitamin D - Sept 2011
  23. How vitamin D is made from sheep wool - Feb 2011
  24. Possible reduction in nocturia, nighttime urination, or BPH after taking vitamin D
  25. People who are extraverts or are open have higher vitamin D – Jan 2011
  26. Poorer teen cognition due to lower vitamin D or race – Dec 2010
  27. Possible ways that vitamin D does its magic
  28. Programmers Must Take Vitamin D – Sept 2012
  29. Proposed National Vitamin D Day in Canada – Feb 2012
  30. Psychotics in Norway found to be vitamin D deficient - April 2010
  31. RDA, EAR, UL, RDI, AI, UL, and SONA described
  32. Sales of vitamin D up 22% from 2009 to 2010
  33. Stability of vitamin D
  34. Sunlight might even make your taller – Nov 2010
  35. Tissue repair growth factor and platelet count associated with vitamin D – Jan 2012
  36. Unknowns
  37. Vitamin D and Hair disorders – Feb 2010
  38. Vitamin D manufacturing details - 2013
  39. Vitamin D supplementation eliminated nappiness and pain for one woman – Jan 2011
  40. VitaminDWiki has more vitamin D information than the next 5 websites combined
  41. Want to get vitamin D from the sun - there are many apps for that
  42. When will it become a crime to fail to recommend or provide vitamin D
  43. Why new medical treatments like vitamin D take 15-20 years to get to US patients
  44. Wonder which political party afflication would believe in vitamin D – March 2011

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