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Select objects to change categorization:
  1. Use of Vitamin D in Clinical Practice - 2008
  2. Vitamin D across lifecycle
  3. Vitamin D and the Magic Mountain: The Anti-Infectious Role of the Vitamin
  4. The virtues of vitamin D—but how much is too much?
  5. Table of Chronic Kidney Disease studies from: Virtues of vitamin D
  6. Vitamin D action: Lessons learned from genetic mouse models
  7. Benefits of vitamin D for Germany - recommends 4000 IU for various groups, 10,000 IU safe
  8. vit D and Immune system May 2010
  9. Deficiency All Cause TB Kidney Stone
  10. VitD Mechanisms
  11. 52 Most prolific authors of vitamin D Journal articles
  12. Septic patients have even lower level of vit D than trauma patients in ICU
  13. Evidence-based non-skeletal actions of vitamin D -2010
  14. Diagnosis and management of vitamin D deficiency (10,000 IU) - BMJ Jan 2010
  15. The Dual Vitamin D Pathways - Feb 2010
  16. Low 25-Hydroxyvitamin D Levels in Adolescents: Race, Season, Adiposity,... - Feb 2010
  17. Diagnosis and treatment Whiting Nov 2009
  18. Extraskeletal Health Holick 2010
  19. Vitamin D probably prevent and treat T1 & T2 Diabetes – June 2010
  20. Role of vitamin D in cancer treatment and prevention - June 2010
  21. Osteomalacia as a Result of Vitamin D Deficiency – June 2010
  22. Vitamin D in Kidney Disease - June 2010
  23. Vitamin D in clinical environment Hollis – June 2010
  24. Genetic Disorders and Defects in Vitamin D Action – June 2010
  25. Vitamin D and Kidney – with overview of 10 trials June 2010
  26. Vitamin D Insufficiency, Deficiency, and Bone Health – June 2010
  27. Analysis of low vitamin D status - May 2010
  28. Vitamin D paradigms for gene expression - June 2010
  29. Vitamin D and Kidney pathways from Heaney April 2010
  30. Vitamin D with Kidney failure from Heaney April 2010
  31. 14th vitamin D workshop of Oct 2009 - May 2010
  32. 14th vitamin D workshop introduction
  33. Bioavailability of D3 not change with vehicle - 2010
  34. Vitamin D much better in oil - 2010
  35. Chart Vitamin D in oil best - vehicle overview 2010
  36. 25-Hydroxylation of vitamin D3: relation to circulating vitamin D3 under various input conditions - 2008
  37. High level of vitamin D helped Harvard cohort - Feb 2010
  38. T cells MS and vitamin D - Aug 2009
  39. Causes of vitamin D insufficiency in Cystic Fibrosis
  40. genetics and vitamin D - Lancet June 2010
  41. vit D and skin immune response -2008
  42. Vieth 20 page chapter in Vitamin D text Jan 2005
  43. Vitamin D for prevention and treatment of Cancer - technical July 2010
  44. How vitamin D reduces colon cancer - July 2010
  45. How I treat vitamin D deficiency - March 2010
  46. Spinal fluid has very little vitamin D and people with MS have even less - 2010
  47. More vitamin D3 associated with less allergy to common mold - Aug 2010
  48. Physician workload with vitamin D - 2010
  49. Vitamin D level should be high and stable - Vieth 200
  50. Public policy informed by vitamin D reseach - NIH Sept 2010

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