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Select objects to change categorization:
  1. Drug interactions with vitamin D
  2. PDR Health on side effects
  3. Side effect overdose and contraindications
  4. Vitamin D and interactions Consumer Labs
  5. Hidden Risks and Dangers of the Marshall Protocol
  6. Who should and should not take vitamin D vitamin D council as formatted by Knox 2010
  7. side effects of vitamin D by vitamin D council as formatted by Knox 2010
  8. Fructose consumption over 30 years - 2009
  9. Oral Contraceptive increase vitamin D - 1998
  10. Elderly vitamin D interactions
  11. Possible Vitamin D Interactions
  12. Drug interactions with vitamin D - July 2009
  13. Too much vitamin A has adverse effects on bones of chickens - Feb 2011.pdf
  14. 1.5X more likely to be Vitamin D deficient if drink lots of coffee – Sept 2021
  15. 24 drugs that typically reduce Vitamin D levels – Review Aug 2021
  16. 4 cups of coffee increases risk of fracture - meta-analysis 2014
  17. Acid Reflux drugs decrease Vitamin D and Magnesium – Jan 2013
  18. ADHD 2 X more likely if Tylenol used a lot during pregnancy (Autism increased too) – Dec 2016
  19. Air pollution associated with poor bone density (less vitamin D) – Nov 2017
  20. Allergic rhinitis sublingual therapy was 22X more successful if good level of Vitamin D – Feb 2023
  21. Antidepressants might increase infertility and pregnancy problems – Nov 2012
  22. Antidepressants reduce cellular Vitamin D, increasing fractures, CVD, etc. - Oct 2022
  23. Antiretroviral (TDF) is yet another drug which reduces vitamin D levels – Aug 2013
  24. Arsenic in water is associated with lung problems if low vitamin D - 2019
  25. Asian men often smoke then die of lung cancer (if you must smoke, take Vitamin D) – meta-analysis March 2019
  26. Beans etc, can cut in half the response to fat-soluble Vitamin D and K - June 2019
  27. Better response to Inflammatory Bowel Disease drug if more than 30 ng of vitamin D – March 2014
  28. BPA is a possible cause of obesity epidemic - Dr. Greger June 2019
  29. Breast Cancer aromatase therapy can cause sore tendons if low vitamin D – March 2015
  30. Cadmium liver problem 5 X less likely when vitamin D is greater than 40 ng – April 2018
  31. Carmel used to color some vitamin D gel caps may cause problems in some people
  32. Cell tower removed from school after 4 children and 3 teachers got cancer – March 2019
  33. Common drugs as vitamin D disruptors – 2020
  34. Complete Guide to Prescription & Nonprescription Drugs - 2 pages on Vit D
  35. DDT 3.8 X more prevalent with Alzheimer disease (no mention that DDT decreases vitamin D) – Jan 2014
  36. DDT and other pesticides decrease vitamin D
  37. Drug-induced bone loss: a major safety concern (Vitamin D can help) – Sept 2018
  38. Drug–Vitamin D Interactions, A Systematic Review – Jan 2013
  39. Drugs Deplete Magnesium
  40. Drugs that may harm bone (vitamin D needed) -April 2016
  41. Drugs which create deficiencies in Vitamin D, Vitamin K, Magnesium, Zinc, Iron, etc. – Sept 2017
  42. Endocrine Disrupting Chemicals - book April 2019
  43. Endocrine Disrupting Chemicals and Vitamin D (T1 Diabetes in this case) - April 2020
  44. Enzyme-inducing antiepileptic drugs required 37 percent more IU Vitamin D to achieve 30 nanograms – Nov 2018
  45. Epileptics have problems with conception - Oct 2010
  46. Extensive review of influence of drugs on vitamin D and Calcium – April 2012
  47. Fluoride caused bone problems in 80 percent of Vitamin D deficient rats – RCT Nov 2017
  48. Fluoride lowers IQ in Children (It blocks Vitamin D and Magnesium) - March 2023
  49. For seniors: taking drugs was associated with about 2 ng less vitamin D – Dec 2011
  50. Glucocorticoid treatment reduces Vitamin D getting to cells via 3 or 4 genes

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