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  1. Bone Health evidence based
  2. D3 does not decrease BMD
  3. mineral nutrition
  4. nutrition and bone growth for children
  5. Vitamin D and low bone turnover
  6. Spinal stienosis PHD
  7. Vit D reduce bone loss after stroke review
  8. Graph of bone mass over life
  9. Effectiveness and safety of vitamin D in relation to bone health
  10. RCT Ca with and without vit D on elderly female bones
  11. Wintertime D and bone turnover RCT
  12. Calcium balance healthy humans
  13. Post hip fracture not take extra vit d and Ca
  14. Vit D bone and beyond
  15. Vit D reduces bone loss after stroke
  16. intervention studies of fracture risk and bone Aust
  17. BMD not improve overweight patients
  18. Strong Bones preview of book by Dr. Colgan
  19. Bone health helped by Vit D Ca, Mg, Sr, P
  20. Calcium and just 800 IU gave positive effect on skeleton
  21. Might vitamin D deficiency directly cause bone problems
  22. Metabolic Bone Disease - and vitamin D
  23. IOM Table 1 Vit D primary studies
  24. IOM Table 2 Primary Calcium studies
  25. IOM Table 3 primary Vit D and Calcium studies
  26. IOM table of contents and list of tables
  27. Benefit–risk assessment of vitamin D supplementation
  28. VDR Gene variations and osteo April 2010
  29. Bone Health and Vit D: an Evidence Based Review 2007
  30. 4000 IU vitamin D helped after hip fracture
  31. Vitamin D deficiency and its relationship with BMD - 2010
  32. Does Vitamin D Deficiency Cause Hypertension?
  33. Osteomalacia as a Result of Vitamin D Deficiency – June 2010
  34. Vitamin D and Fracture Prevention – June 2010
  35. Osteoporosis reduced by 800 or more IU of vitamin D - July 2010
  36. Vitamin D and Vitamin K for bones and heart - LEF Sept 2010
  37. Low Calcium and vitamin D makes osteomalacia - Sept 2010
  38. Review of vitamin D pathways to bone health - July 2010
  39. Pregnancy vitamin D and bone mass at age 9 - Jan 2006
  40. Forearm fractures by blacks and low vitamin D - March 2010
  41. Review of Vitamin D food interventions for bone health Nov 2010.pdf
  42. Bone growth and loss
  43. belgan bone club - 2011.PDF
  44. Bone density not increase much in 3 month with about 1000 IU vitamin D - 2011.pdf
  45. tanningbeds bone and vitaminD - 2009.pdf
  46. UV better than Vitamin D for infections and asthma - Sept 2011.pdf
  47. Vitamin D and Fracture Healing - slides 2011.pdf
  48. single high dose vitamin D not help bone loss - Feb 2012.pdf
  49. Vitamin D Fortification in Finnish Military - stress fracture - 2012.pdf
  50. Bone - Health

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