

 Move objects between categories
  1. Click on the category name to display the list of objects in that category.
  2. Select the objects to affect. Controls will appear in the category browser.
  3. Use the plus and minus signs to add or remove the categories on selected objects.

Object list result
Select objects to change categorization:
  1. Toxicity log graph
  2. MS vs Latitude
  3. Chart Diabetes and UVB vs latitude
  4. Intervention studies of vitamin D and fracture - table 2009
  5. Far more vitamin D deficiency US NHANES 2004 vs previous - chart 2009
  6. Chart Mamogram density decrease with increase vitamin D
  7. NZ vitamin D and race
  8. hypovitaminosis 15 year old girls 2006
  9. Chart vitamin D variation in horses during the day
  10. Studies of blood levels of risk of diseases epidemiology - table 2009
  11. Calcium and vitamin D supplements - chart Jan 2010
  12. Graphic snake oils -> vs proof
  13. Vitamin D ng vs disease1 -Garland 2009
  14. mortality curve from Heaney whats a deficiencyChart:
  15. Vitamin D vs risk of diabetes
  16. Disease vs level of Vitamin D in blood Garland
  17. Less Sun Less D Less Health
  18. UV and skin color on same global map
  19. UVB increase in past 30 years
  20. Chart: Canada burden 2010 table 1
  21. UV map of world from Sci Am 2008
  22. Vitamin D deficiency in Turkey - table 2010
  23. Chart All Cancers reduced by 68 percent if > 29ng/ml Heaney - May 2010
  24. All Cause Mortality big improvement from 15 to 27 ng - Heaney chart 2010
  25. Chart - Less Diabetes if have enough Calcium and Vitamin D - April 2010
  26. Chart Finland 4000 IU for 10 years - resulted in less diabetes
  27. Calcium in blood virtually unchanged with 10,000 IU vitamin D - Chart April 2010
  28. Chart: Calf with 1930 IU is high dose
  29. MS association with latitude has virtually been eliminated- Lancet chart June 2010
  30. Vitamin D with Kidney failure from Heaney April 2010
  31. Melanoma & sunscreen associated in 7 studies - chart 2010
  32. Chart summarizing clinical trials of CVD and vitamin D 2009
  33. Chart summarizing clinical trials of colon cancer and vitamin D 2009
  34. Chart Vitamin D in oil best - vehicle overview 2010
  35. D2 10000 and 25000 - Holick 2004
  36. Diabetes high risk is low vitamin D
  37. Iceberg - rickets is above the waterline
  38. Maint dosage from V D Council as formated by Knox 2010
  39. MS Latitude correlation - Garland smile graph
  40. MS mountain of evidence
  41. Response to 1000 to 10000 of vitamin D3
  42. Who should and should not take vitamin D vitamin D council as formatted by Knox 2010
  43. side effects of vitamin D by vitamin D council as formatted by Knox 2010
  44. status of evidence for vitamin D
  45. 30000 IU toxicity - slide
  46. uvb Canada over 20 year including clouds
  47. uvb map of world Jan 1998
  48. US UV - Colorado gets a lot
  49. Elderly vs latitude and vit D - 2010
  50. Lack of UV increased offsping MS - April 2010

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