‘Category 5’ COVID Hurricane Approaches, Expert Says WebMD
Discusses the COVID-19 mutations coming out of the UK, South Africa, and Brazil
Even though several of the vaccines are known to have lower effectivity with the mutations/varient they recommend increasing vaccination
The founder of VitaminDWiki coined the term COVID-21 about Jan 20
Possible differences due to Virus Variants or Vaccines
(with and without having been infected before )
% asymptomatic
% infected - but do not get a COVID test
% test positive
% transmissibility - UK variant is 1.3X to 1.5X higher, unknown S,A, and Brazil
increased % days infectious,
increasing % asymptomatic but infectious
increasing % of people with hig- viscosity lung fluids - which makes for superspreaders
% serious infection - but stay at home
% going to the hospital
% long term
% long haul
ALSO - - - - -
% difference for the elderly
% differences for comorbidities