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Alzheimer’s associated with Vitamin D and Vitamin D receptor – video and pdf – Aug 2018

The clues for new roles of vitamin D and vitamin D receptor in neurodegeneration

Presented by E Dursan duygugezenak at gmail.com at Scientific Workshop

"Vitamin D, in the prevention of health disparities during adult life, mediterranean experts meeting"
Held on 30-31/8/2018, in Aristotle University Research Dissemination Center (KEDEA), in Thessaloniki, Greece,.

37 minute video

A few of the presented images

VDR Alz history




Subcellular location of VDR


Plaque and Vitamin D (arrows added by VitaminDWiki)


Hypothesis 1 and 2


 Download the PDF from VitaminDWiki

 Download the PowerPoint from VitaminDWiki

This is one of 19 videos from the workshop

Overview Alzheimer's-Cognition and Vitamin D in VitaminDWiki has the following summary

Items in both VitaminDWiki categories Cognition and Vitamin D Receptor are listed here: 

See also VitaminDWiki


  • Molecular genetics and vitamin D action E. Kassi
  • Vitamin D and human reproduction D. Goulis
  • Effects of Vitamin D supplements and osteoporosis treatment on musculoskeletal system A. Bargiotta
  • Optimizing Vitamin D status in children with pre - school wheeze or asthma: a pilot study (OptiVit) Ch. Stefanidis
  • Molecular background of Vitamin D anticancer action: Impact on hypoxia inducible transcription factors (HIFs) A. Tsakalof
  • Preoperative serum Vitamin D levels in patients with breast cancer is associated with histological characteristics of the tumor G. Panagiotou
  • Prevalence of Vitamin D deficiency in a Greek and a Cypriot population sample S.-E. Xyda
  • The relationship between Vitamin D and MTDNA encoded genes expression M. Alaylioglu
  • Association of CUBN gene variants with type 2 diabetes mellitus and Vitamin D levels in an elderly Greek Population X. Tsekmekidou
  • Vitamin D and cancer W. B. Grant
  • Management of vitamin D deficiency: Guidelines of the Hellenic Endocrine Society K. Kotsa, S.-N. Karras
  • The clues for new roles of vitamin D and vitamin D receptor in neurodegeneration E. Dursun, D. Gezen - Ak
  • Vitamin D and Pregnancy A.-M. Michailidou
  • Osteoporosis Markers Among Emirati Females Based on Vitamin D
  • Receptor Variants and Biomechanical Parameters F. Al. Anouti
  • Regulation of Parathyroid Hormone secretion in normal subjects S. Minisola
  • Quantification of 25-Hydroxyvitamind3/D2 by UHPLC-DAD with online metabolites isolation and preconcentration A. Tsakalof
  • Vitamin D and cognitive function in older adults: a review of the literature N. Syrmos
  • The role of Vitamin D in Atopic Dermatitis V.-E. Pappa
  • Anxiety and Depression is associated with decreased Vitamin D levels in an elderly population in Northern Greece D. Drivakou
  • Measurement of vitamin D metabolites - Assays Naughton
  • Vitamin D and Nutrition (Food fortification - Optimizing Vitamin D status in the Mediterranean region-a global perspective) Kotzakioulafi
  • Vitamin D and obesity S. Tigas
  • Vitamin D supplementation in clinical practice: a practical approach T. Koufakis, E. Rapti
    On VitaminDWiki Vitamin D dosing - weekly may be better than daily – video Aug 2018

Created by admin. Last Modification: Friday July 12, 2019 02:30:52 GMT-0000 by admin. (Version 15)

Attached files

ID Name Comment Uploaded Size Downloads
10460 Hypothesis 1 and 2.jpg admin 02 Sep, 2018 79.03 Kb 781
10459 Beta Vit D.jpg admin 02 Sep, 2018 73.01 Kb 724
10458 subcellular location of VDR.jpg admin 02 Sep, 2018 49.81 Kb 704
10457 Vit D Alz chart.jpg admin 02 Sep, 2018 13.82 Kb 690
10456 Vit D Alz.jpg admin 02 Sep, 2018 85.92 Kb 785
10455 VDR Alz history.jpg admin 02 Sep, 2018 75.50 Kb 1015
10454 Greece 2018 E Dursun.pptx admin 02 Sep, 2018 4.91 Mb 662
10453 Greece 2018 E Dursun.pdf admin 02 Sep, 2018 3.18 Mb 793