
Breast Cancer reduced 20 percent by fish (Omega-3) – meta-analysis Feb 2019

Protective Effect of Omega-3 Fatty Acids in Fish Consumption Against Breast Cancer in Asian Patients: A Meta-Analysis

Asian Pac J Cancer Prev. 2019 Feb 26;20(2):327-332.
Nindrea RD1,2, Aryandono T, Lazuardi L, Dwiprahasto I.


Vitamin D and Omega-3 category starts with

411 Omega-3 items in category Omega-3 helps with: Autism (7 studies), Depression (28 studies), Cardiovascular (34 studies), Cognition (52 studies), Pregnancy (46 studies), Infant (34 studies), Obesity (14 studies), Mortality (7 studies), Breast Cancer (5 studies), Smoking, Sleep, Stroke, Longevity, Trauma (12 studies), Inflammation (18 studies), Multiple Sclerosis (9 studies), VIRUS (12 studies), etc
CIlck here for details

Items in both categories Omega-3 and Breast Cancer are listed here:

Omega-3 also helps during Pregnancy

 Download the PDF from VitaminDWiki

This systematic review and meta-analysis was performed to determine the protective effect of omega-3 fatty acids in fish consumption against breast cancer in Asian patients.

The authors conducted a meta-analysis of published research articles on protective effect of omega-3 fatty acids in fish consumption against breast cancer in Asian patients published between January 2000 and July 2018 in online database of PubMed, ProQuest and EBSCO. Pooled odds ratios (OR) were calculated by using fixed and random-effect models. Publication bias was visually evaluated by using funnel plots and statistically assessed in Egger’s and Begg’s tests. Data were processed by Review Manager 5.3 (RevMan 5.3) and Stata version 14.2 (Stata Corporation).

This study reviewed 913 articles. There were 11 studies which conducted systematic review then continued by meta-analysis of relevant data with total number of samples were 130,365 patients. The results showed there was protective effect of omega-3 fatty acids in fish consumption against breast cancer in Asian patients (OR = 0.80 [95% CI 0.73-0.87, p <0.00001]). There was not any study with significant publication bias included.

This analysis confirmed the protective effect of omega-3 fatty acids in fish consumption against breast cancer in Asian patients.

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11521 Breast Cancer fish.jpg admin 05 Mar, 2019 65.27 Kb 578
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