
Children’s picture book on importance of sun and vitamin D – July 2015

Dinosaur Douglas Has Fun in the Sun Heather Maisner

Dinosaur Douglas Has Fun in the Sun is the first picture book to raise the importance of
sunshine and vitamin D for healthy growth in children, in a fun way. Featuring the cheeky but
loveable Dinosaur Douglas, who first appeared in Dinosaur Douglas and the Beastly Bugs, it is
written in rhyme and illustrated by street painter and artist Alex Godwin.

“Dinosaur Douglas is having fun
Playing with friends out in the sun
His eyes are bright, he’s feeling fine,
Vitamin D makes Douglas shine.
But in the dark, where his cousins play -
All night long and throughout the day -

On TV, X-Box, iPad, phone,
The dinos ache and frown and groan. . .”

For information on the author, visit: www.heathermaisner.com
www.dinosaurdouglas.com ISBN: 978-0-9928759-1-6
Price £4.99 - discount for bulk purchase. To buy Dinosaur D visit: www.fbs.me.uk/eShop.php

See also VitaminDWiki

Playground @ is.gd/aanov2013
Does Less Sun mean More Disease video by VitaminDWiki, which has the following image

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ID Name Comment Uploaded Size Downloads
5436 Dinosaur Douglas.jpg admin 07 May, 2015 33.56 Kb 1723