
Cuba is proactively preventing Zika – Sept 2016

Cuba seems to have far less Zika than any other Latin American country, and less than the US

Cuba reports remarkable success in containing Zika virus Jamaica Observer Sept 2

  • Spray homes and workplaces BEFORE Zika is reported
  • Closely monitor all travelers who have been in infected countries
  • “1,700 people with fever or other symptoms had been quarantined for 24-48 hours while being tested for Zika”
    Note: Permethrin would be perhaps as good as quarantine, and far less expensive and heavy handed
  • “All pregnant women are tested for Zika in their first trimester, . . . “
  • “Every worker sent overseas on a government "mission" is quarantined and tested before returning to the island.”
  • “. . teams of children as young as 10 sent door-to-door to check for standing water where mosquitoes breed and distribute information about Zika. "
  • "Those who defy orders to eliminate standing water or trash or allow inspections or fumigation are fined.”

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Cuba is proactively preventing Zika – Sept 2016        
2908 visitors, last modified 04 Sep, 2016,
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