
Grassroots Files

Grassroots files as of March 2010

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  • Diagnosis and Treatment of Vitamin D Deficiency Seminar November 3, 2009

Introduction to Vitamin D by Reinhold Vieth Ph.D.
What's a Vitamin D Deficiency? by Robert P. Heaney, M.D.
Viewing Breast Cancer as a Deficiency Disease by Cedric F. Garland, Dr.P.H.
Vitamin D in the Breast Clinic by Tracey L. O’Connor, M.D.
Sources of Vitamin D by Susan J. Whiting
Vitamin D and Control of Infectious Diseases by John H. White
Solving Vitamin D Deficiency –A Safety Profile - Identify and Quantify Risk Levels of Vitamin D by Reinhold Vieth Ph.D.

  • Vitamin D Prevents.. is it True? June 11, 2009

How it Works by Cedric F. Garland, Dr.P.H.
Vitamin D Prevents - Is it True? by Carole A. Baggerly, Director, GrassrootsHealth
Dr. Garland's DINOMIT Model: Vitamin D for Cancer Prevention by Cedric F. Garland, Dr.P.H.
Disease Incidence Prevention Chart Updated 10/16/08

  • Symposium in Print 2009 Epidemiology of Vitamin D & Cancer

Symposium in Print on the Epidemiology of Vitamin D and Cancer Cedric F. Garland
Vitamin D and Cancer Mini-Symposium: The Risk of Additional Vitamin D by Reinhold Vieth
Ecological Studies Of Ultraviolet B, Vitamin D And Cancer Since 2000 by William B. Grant, Sharif B. Mohr
Vitamin D and Melanoma by Kathleen M. Egan
Vitamin D and Breast Cancer by Elizabeth R. Bertone-Johnson
Vitamin D for Cancer Prevention: Global Perspective by Cedric F. Garland, Edward D. Gorham, Sharif B. Mohr, Frank C. Garland
Vitamin D Status: Measurement, Interpretation, and Clinical Application by Michael F. Holick
A Brief History of Vitamin D and Cancer Prevention by Sharif B. Mohr
Vitamin D and Cancer Incidence in the Harvard Cohorts by Edward Giovannucci
Vitamin D and Pancreatic Cancer by Rachael Z. Stolzenberg-Solomon
Vitamin D and Intervention Trials in Prostate Cancer: From Theory to Therapy by Gary G. Schwartz

  • Diagnosis and Treatment of Vitamin D Deficiency Seminar December 2, 2008

Vitamin D Deficiency: Analysis and Approach in a Comprehensive Cancer Center by Donald L. Trump, M.D.
Dose-Response of Vitamin D and a Mechanism for Prevention of Cancer by Cedric F. Garland, Dr.P.H., Edward D. Gorham, M.P.H., Ph.D., Sharif B. Mohr, M.P.H., and Frank C. Garland, Ph.D.
Can Diabetes be Prevented with Vitamin D? by Frank Garland, Ph.D.
Skin Cancer/Sunscreen — the Dilemma by Edward D. Gorham, Ph.D., Frank C. Garland, Ph.D., Cedric F. Garland, Dr.P.H. Sharif B. Mohr, M.P.H.
Cardiovascular Disease: Major New Frontiers for Prevention by David C. Sane, M.D.
What’s a Vitamin D Deficiency? by Robert P. Heaney, M.D.
Vitamin D for Health by Michael F. Holick, Ph.D., M.D.

  • Diagnosis and Treatment of Vitamin D Deficiency April 9, 2008

Reducing the Burden of Disease Through Adequate Intake of Vitamin D3 by William B. Grant, Ph.D.
The Vitamin D Requirement During Pregnancy and Lactation by Bruce W. Hollis, Ph.D.
VITAMIN D: How Much Do We Make? How Much Do We Need? For What Endpoints? by Robert P. Heaney, M.D.
Vitamin D, Type 1 Diabetes and Cancer by Cedric F. Garland, Frank C. Garland, Edward D. Gorham, William B. Grant and Sharif B. Mohr
Disease Incidence Prevention by Serum Level Chart Updated: October 16, 2008
Vitamin D Scientists’ Call to Action Statement Updated: April 30, 2008

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