
Male prisoners do not get the minimum DRI of Vitamin D, Magnesium, or Omega-3 - Aug 2022

Nutrition availability for those incarcerated in jail: Implications for mental health

Int J Prison Health . 2022 Aug 4 doi: 10.1108/IJPH-02-2022-0009.
Katherine Mommaerts 1, Nanette V Lopez 2, Carolyn Camplain 3, Chesleigh Keene 4, Ashley Marie Hale 5, Ricky Camplain 6

Purpose: Using a seven-day cycle menu and commissary items at a rural county jail, this study aims to describe provisions of micronutrients known to be associated with mental health disorders and if they meet dietary guidelines.

Design/methodology/approach: The nutritional content of a seven-day cycle menu and four available commissary food packs were evaluated using NutritionCalc® Plus software (McGraw-Hill Education version 5.0.19) and compared to Dietary Reference Intakes (DRI).

Findings: Menu mean values of Vitamin B6, Vitamin B12, Vitamin C and zinc met DRI recommendations.

  • Vitamin D (for men and women),
  • magnesium (for men only) and
  • omega-3s (for men only) did not meet the DRI recommendations.

Originality/value: As deficits of Vitamin D, magnesium and omega-3s are known to exacerbate bipolar disorder, anxiety and depression, small changes to food would increase the offerings and potential intake of nutrients that may improve mental health.

Vitamin D, Magnesium, and Omega-3 are the 3 most important nutrients in VitaminDWiki

Ways to improve health
Importance to Health VDW10426

VitaminDWiki pages with PRISONERS in title (12 as of Aug 2022)

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