Claims a 90% success rate in placebo controlled trial, based on 164 people getting COVID-19
This apparently means that of those getting injected who got infected
- 16 (10% of 164) of the infected people had gotten the vaccine
- 145 (90% of 164) of the infected people had gotten the placebo
- Vaccine requires 2nd shot 3 weeks after the first
- Trial only considered people who got symptoms and then tested positive for COVID-19
- A vaccinated person could perhaps be more likely to have asymptomatic infection and spread to other people
- Do Not know if vaccine reduces COVID-19 severity or death
- Vaccine must be stored at extremely cold temperatures (-94 degrees)
- Many of the people excluded by the trial had conditions associated with low vitamin D
- expect that the results can be different when the vaccines are injected into people with low vitamin D levels
- People getting vaccination might have more serious infections than people getting placebo
- Press release did not mention (antibody-dependent enhancement)
- No indication how many of the COVId-19 strains it protects against
- Example: Vaccination might provide protection against strains A, B, C but much less protction against D, E, or F